Chapter 15- Show Me You Care

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Zendaya's POV:

I looked my dad right in the eyes, glaring at him. How did he know I was here?

"Uhm.. what are you doing here?" I asked trying to remain calm. He smiled and took a step closer. "I came here to talk, and make things right again." he answered as he sat at the edge of the bed.

I moved away from him, but not breaking the eye contact we had. "There's nothing to fix" I said, as I got off the bed and began unpacking my things. "Yes there is. I've been a horrible father and I'm so sorry. I wasn't there for you in your time of need and I'm sorry. I talked to Jonathan and he said that I should talk to you, so at least give me the chance? I have something important to tell you as well." he begged, and I turned around and sighed.

"Fine, what did you want to talk about?" I asked as I sat back down on the bed. "I know about Jacob, and honey I'm so sorry I never knew. But now I do and that asshole's gonna pay. Jonathan and I are arranging a restraining order just to let you know" my dad told me, flashing a small smile at me.

I couldn't help but smile when I heard this. My dad really did want a second chance to help me out. "Really? Thank you, dad it means a lot that you're trying. I'm sorry too, I should've still tried to keep in touch with you too" I said as I got up and walked over to him and gave him a hug.

"It's okay, how about we go out to get something to eat while you catch me up on your life and I catch you up on mine?" he asked as we pulled away from the hug. "Okay sounds good, let me go get my purse first!" I said as I ran off to find my purse.

I found my purse on the bathroom counter and grabbed it and walked back to where my dad was waiting. Sure I was mad at him, but I've waited all these years to finally reconnect with him, and I'm getting my chance now. Which reminds me I've gott to call Jonathan today I have something really important to tell him.

"Ready to go?" my dad asks as I enter the room. I smile and nod my head as I take my fathers hand in mine and lead him out of my room. "I'm hungry, wanna go to that sushi place across the street from where you used to work?" I asked as I got into my dads rental car.

"Sure honey, anything you want" he answered as he pulled out of the parking lot and turned on the radio.

"I know this isn't a friendly topic to talk about, but I missed a lot you're gonna have to catch me up here.. but what happened between you and Jacob?" he asked breaking the silence.

"Well uhm.. Jacob and I dated through out high school as you know, and when university came we broke it off because I didn't believe in long distance relationships. After I moved to Chicago and met Jonathan, I started dating him. And well Jacob came back to win my love but my heart belonged to Jonathan, it still does.. And so he found out and he started abusing me. He forced me to take him to game 6 of the cup finals, and that if the Hawks won I had to kiss him to hurt Jon and make him break up with me or else he'd keep abusing me. Recently I've gotten back with Jonathan but now it's so complicated.. I love him so much but don't want him hurt" I explained and to my surprise my dad listened the whole time.

"Well that asshole's gonna pay I promise you that. And Jonathan still loves you, and if you really love him you'd do whatever it takes to be with him. You two belong together" he said and I smiled. He was really trying to be a good father and I appreciated this. "I know dad, it's weird but I know what I gotta do now." I said as we pulled into the parking lot.

"And what might that be?" he asked as we both got out of the car and started walking towards the restaurant. "I'll fill you in after" I replied as we walked in and almost right away a waiter came to take our seats.

Second Chance (A Jonathan Toews fanfic ~ spin-off to I think I love you.)Where stories live. Discover now