Chapter 17- Just Like Old Times

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Zendaya's POV:

 The taxi just pulled over right in front of my mom's driveway, I paid and tipped the driver then got my stuff out from the back and walked up to the door. I felt a bit nervous, I haven't seen my mom since I moved to Chicago. I took a deep breathe, and rung the doorbell. In a matter of seconds the door opened and I was greeted with a big hug from my mother.

"Zoozoo!!" she yelled and pulled me inside. I grabbed a couple bags and she got the rest as she took me into the living room. "I missed you mom" I finally said, putting down my things and sitting down on the couch.

"I missed you too sweety. We've got a lot of catching up to do before your flight tomorrow so how about I go check on dinner and you take those bags up to your room and get settled in" my mom offered as she started heading for the kitchen.

I got up and followed her. "Sounds good, I'll be down in about half an hour" I said before heading back over to the living room to get my things.

It took me 3 trips to get all my bags upstairs and into my room, and once I did I layed down on my bed for a while.

I felt a couple buzzes from my phone in my pocket so I pulled it out and sure enough they were all texts from Jonathan.

I smiled reading through them.

Jonathan <3: Hey babe I miss you, call me?

Jonathan <3: I'm really bored, so seriously call me

Jonathan <3: I miss hearing your voice, Zendaya call meee <3

Jonathan: <3: Okay I know I probably sound really weird right now but this is just me missing you so call me already

Jonathan <3: Hey so Kaner's girl got shot today. Avery, you 2 haven't meet but I just thought I'd let you know. When you get here tomorrow be prepared to fly over to Buffalo to meet them.

Jonathan <3: Alright so I can tell you're pretty busy but I'm gonna get some sleep. But if you call me I swear I'll answer. Okay I love you <3

I laughed while reading his texts. Man did I miss being with Jonathan, so I decided to call him.

After 2 rings he picked up. "Hey, I see you got my texts" I heard him mumble. I could tell I had woken him up. "Haha yeah, sorry I didn't get your texts sooner. I can tell you're tired so I'll let you get some sleep and I'll call you before I head to bed okay?" I offered. I could tell he was smiling.

"Alright, and do me a favour and check on Kaner? I already did and he wasn't in a good state and I'm too tired to call him." he asked me. "Okay I will, go get some sleep now. Love you" I said. "Love you, bye" he said and hung up.

I started to unpack a few of my bags as I dailed Patrick's number.

"Hello?" he slurred, man why's everyone sound so sleepy? "Hey Kaner it's Zendaya. Tazer called me earlier and told me what happened, is she okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, she's awake and I'm going back to pick her up in a couple hours" Patrick told me and I could tell he was smiling. "That's good, well when she's back text me okay? I wanna talk to her." I asked him. "Of course" Pat told me.

"Hey everything alright? You sound a bit off" I asked him. He took a moment to think before answering me. "It's complicated." He told me. "Well I got some time, so talk to me Kaner." I said.

"Ever since the incident and almost losing Avery, it made me realize how much I loved her and needed her with me. Since we first started dating I went out and bought a ring because I knew she was the one. And I was right, she is. I want to ask her to marry me but it seems like every time I get the chance to, something always gets in the way." he explained.

I chuckled to myself. "What's so funny?" Patrick asked me. "You're worrying too much. I can tell you really love this girl, and I know she feels the same way about you. Next time you see her do it. Don't wait because the longer you wait, more things things will get in the way." I told him.

"Alright I will. Thanks Zendaya, I hope everything between you and Tazer work out well. I'll see you guys in a couple days." he said. "Thanks, same goes to you. Bye Patrick" I said as I got off my bed and started unpacking the rest of my things.

It took me another 10 minutes to get dressed and ready for dinner, but when I finally came down the table was set and the food was out. I smiled as I sat down at the dinner table and my mother joined me.

"I hope you're hungry cause I made your favourites, and save some room for desert!" my mom said as she started scooping foor onto her plate.

"So what's new with you?" she asked as I started scooping some food onto my plate as well.

We started eating as I explained everything from Jacob making me breakup with Jonathan after he won the cup, all the way to when I ran away from Jonathan because I couldn't take it anymore. I even told her about how dad meet up with me and tried to reconnect.

"The wedding is still on though" I explained to my mom. I looked up at her and saw a tear fall from her face. "What's wrong mom?" I asked. She smiled at me. "Nothing, it's just you've grown up so much. You're so strong and I couldn't be happier for you and Jonathan" she said.

"Thanks mom but I got it all from you. It was you who always taught me to never give up" I said and the smile on my moms face grew even bigger. "I love you sweetheart" she said getting up from the table and bringing the dishes to the sink.

I got up and grabbed the rest of the dishes and followed her. "I love you too mom. Hey you're gonna come to the wedding right? Even if dad is gonna be there?" I asked as I started helping my mom load the dishwasher.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world." she said as she walked over to the fridge and pulled out two tubs of ice cream.

"Let's go watch a movie, just like old times okay?" my mom offered. I smiled and grabbed two spoons and followed her into the living room.

"I'll go grab the pillows and blankets, you chose the movie" my mom said as she headed up stairs.

I chose to watch the movie Titanic, I sense my Leonardo DiCaprio feelings coming back to me.

My mom returned after a couple of minutes and wrapped the blanket around us. I handed her a spoon and we began eating our ice cream. Just like old times.

"Ah the Titanic, you picked a great movie" my mom said just as I hit the play button.

Second Chance (A Jonathan Toews fanfic ~ spin-off to I think I love you.)Where stories live. Discover now