Chapter 8- Stay With Me

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Jonathan's POV:

Avery and I stood just stood their for about 5 minutes just expressionless and shocked staring at my phone. We would of stayed like that longer until Zendaya wrapped her hands around me and took my phone away. "Hey it's gonna be okay, just call back Patrick and try and enjoy our little vacation" she told me, and smiled as she pecked my lips and released me of her hold.

She walked over to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of water, as I grabbed my phone and followed, I was now leaning over the counter top right in front of her. "Thanks baby, you've been so supportive. But I think I know who might've done this.." I said as I was trailing off near the end, and Zendaya got the hint of what I was trying to tell her as she nodded her head and let out an oh.

"You don't think that he was responsible do you?" she asked quietly, "you don't think that he's not responsible?" I answered back. "Look he seems highly suspicious, but we don't have any proof and until then I'm not going to accuse anyone." she said looking at me sternly. "He obviously did it because he found out that we got back together" I told her, as i started to turn my back and head towards our bedroom. 

Zendaya didn't follow, nor did she say anything else. She just stayed in the kitchen silent thinking to herself. I made my way over to the bed, and sat on the edge. I took a deep breathe and called Patrick. "Hello?" I heard him say through the phone, "It's me Patrick. Anyways I just saw the picture, and I think I have an idea of what happened. Just I don't know, clean up a little and find some place to stay for the next few days since I'm sorta on a vacation with Zendaya for a bit." I told him.

I was so confused and anyone could tell by the way I stuttered my way through that, Patrick sensed it too, I could tell from the uneasiness from his voice. "Okay man, and wait what you're with her again?"he asked, I chuckled to myself a little bit as Patrick said that.

"Yeah, I proposed to her, anyways I'm gonna go now. I'll talk to you later, and I'll be back in a couple of days bye." I said, as Patrick congratulated me, then said bye and hung up. After that I got up and out of the room to find Zendaya still standing at the same spot I left her and noticed she hasn't moved a bit, and had tears in her eyes.

I walked up behind her, and wrapped my arms around her, then turned her around so she would face me. I placed my hand on her cheek and moved the stray pieces of hair out of her face, I used my thumb to caress her face and then I wiped away the tears she had. "Shh don't cry, everything's gonna be okay, I promise." I said to her, then pulled her in and hugged her ever so tightly.

"No it's not, he wants to ruin everything for me, for us. He wants me dead god dammit!" she yelled back as she pulled away from my hug. "I know that, but we're going to fight against him, and we'll win this." I told her, but she only looked away. "Jon.. I don't want to ruin your life either. Maybe it's best if we don't get married" she told me.

I stumbled back as I heard her say that, I loved her so much and wasn't going to give up, ever. "No, I love you too much to just let you go, even if you refuse to marry me, I will do everything in my power to protect you." I said as I was now fighting back tears of my own.

"I love you so much, you know that. I would never refuse to marry you, but we've gotta do what's best for the both of us. If you really want to protect me you'll understand." she said, and I saw more tears streaming down her face.

"Zendaya.. please don't go" I said, but as I did she made her way out of the kitchen and into our room, she slammed the door shut and locked it. I tried to make her open it but it was no use, I let her stay there but I could hear her sobs loud and clear. I slumped down on the couch and tried my best to fall asleep.

Zendaya's POV:

As soon as I got into our bedroom, I slammed the door shut and locked it. I then went to my bed and just lay there crying my heart out. My life was just getting back to normal and then Jacob comes in and ruins everything.

I heard a vibration from my phone so I got up and checked it. Sure enough it was from Jacob.

Jacob: Hey sexy, like what I did to your place? ;)

Me: Fuck you, and just leave me a lone. What do you want from me?

Jacob: I want you babe, and if I can't have you, no one can. Especially not Toes over there

Me: First off it's Toews, learn to spell. And I don't care what you do, I will never be yours.

Jacob: Suit yourself, I'll just keep up my act so you 2 can't be together ever

Me: You won't get away with this.

Jacob: Oh baby I have ;)

Me: Stop calling me that you little shit.

Jacob: Feisty, I like it. Now get some sleep, goodnight <3

Me: Fuck off.

Afterthat I threw my phone to the floor and just cried even more. I'm guessing Jon heard because he came rushing to my door. "Zendaya?! Is everything okay??" he shouted from the other side.

"Yeah!" I yelled out, and just ignored him begging me to open the door. Sure enough he stopped.

After a couple more minutes passed I heard the door open, how did he get in?

"Zendaya you've been crying all night, can we at least talk?" Jon asked me calmly as he sat on the edge of the bed beside me. I didn't respond and just cuddled in closer to Jon and cried even more.

"I love you, and I won't let him get to us, I want to be with you." I told him, and he pulled away so he could get a good look at my face. "Are you sure?" he asked, a little surprised. "Yes" I said and smiled as I pecked him on the lips.

"I'm glad to hear that, but what made you change your mind?" he asked, and I just reached over and handed him my phone and showed him my texts. After he finished reading them he seemed pretty mad. "He made me so angry that it actually helped me make the right decision. I can't let him win this, I can't let him ruin my life, our life. I have to stand up for what I want, and be with who I want, and no one can stop me." I told him, and Jon just smiled as he leaned in to kiss me.

After a couple of hours our little kiss turned into another make out session, which lead to you know.. sex. It felt good actually, to be with Jonathan, and have him love me just as much as he loved me.

We were soon about to fall asleep, when Jon pulled me close to his body, and whispered in my ear "Stay with me". "Forever and always" I told him, as I smiled and kissed him before we both fell asleep in each other's arms.

Second Chance (A Jonathan Toews fanfic ~ spin-off to I think I love you.)Where stories live. Discover now