Chapter 11- Baby Please Don't Go

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Jonathan's POV:

After Zendaya and I decided to take some time on our own, she went into the bedroom and locked herself in, as soon as I heard her lock the door, I headed out for a walk.

I wasn't as familiar to this area, and was glad that we would be heading home in a few days. A few fans noticed me so I stopped to take pictures with them, sign stuff, and just talked to them. This helped me because it calmed me down being near them, and they were all so nice to me, I thought why not lets be nice back.

"You guys are the best fans in the world you know that, and for that I'd like you all to join me on my cup day, so just write your phone numbers and emails on this paper and I'll email/call you when the date comes closer. Don't worry it's all free I'll pay for everything" I said, and I watched as all their faces lit up as they all rushed over to write their names and emails down. I let the 20 or 25 or so people there write it down, then I took the paper back and said bye.

It felt good doing something nice for the fans, I just reached the hotel when I felt my phone vibrate, it was a text from Zendaya. I smiled as I walked into the hotel to read the text.

Zendaya: Hey Jon, I've had a lot of time to think and I just can't risk hurting you or your career so I decided it's best if I leave. I'm not going far, just visiting some people, I'll be back in Chicago in maybe a few weeks. Hopefully things will get better by then and we can talk, if not then we'll just have to wait. I love you so much and I'm so sorry it's come to this, just promise me you won't come looking for me, because I need my time and space, and so do you. I'll deal with Jacob so don't go looking after him and do something you regret. I care so much about you, and love you so much, but for now it's goodbye.

I read, as I stopped dead in my tracks and felt a few tears come to my eyes. Of course I kept it all in, but I felt like throwing my fist into a brick wall. Right now, I didn't care about Jacob or what he did to her or us, I cared about getting Zendaya back. I've lost her twice now, and this will make it three.

I sent her about a dozen texts asking where she was, and if she could please stay so we could talk it out, but still nothing. So I started calling her, I called her about 5 times and when she didn't pick up I figured she had turned off her phone. Now the tears were coming, I quickly wiped them away without anyone noticing.

I ran up to the front desk, and took out my phone. "Have you seen this girl?!" I practically yelled. "Yes sir I have" The lady at the desk answered. "Where?!" I yelled again, but as soon as I saw that scared look on my face, I backed up a bit and calmed down. "Sorry, I didn't mean to yell. But could you please tell me where?" I asked, and she formed a small smile. "I saw here here an hour ago with her suitcases, she ran out the back door and that's all I know. "Okay thanks, and sorry about just now. Is there anything I could do to make it up to you?" I asked, and she thought for a while.

"Well my son is a huge Blackhawks fan" she started, but I cut her off. "Say no more, just write your number and email on this piece of paper, it's a list of people who will come to Chicago to spend a day with the cup with me. Don't worry everything willbe paid for, I'll contact you guys soon. Again I'm sorry! Bye!" I said, as I ran out of the hotel.

I knew exactly where Zendaya was now, if she had her suitcases she was probably at the nearest airport. But where could she have bout a flight to? I called down the next cab and got in, I ordered him to drive as fast as he could to the airport and he nodded his head. "You know you're just like that girl who asked me to drive her to the nearest airport, where's everyone to anyways" the cab driver asked, and my eyes widened.

Could he be talking about Zendaya? I then pulled out my phone and showed him the picture, "Was it this girl?" I asked, and the driver nodded his head. "Well we're here" he said, and I paid him. But before I got off  "Do you know which flight she went on?" I asked. He nodded his head as he stepped out of the cab, "I heard her say something about family in Toronto" he replied, and I thanked him and ran off.

I then ran to the tickets counter, and showed the lady the picture of Zendaya. "Yes I saw this girl about an hour ago. Her flight's about to leave in 10 minutes." she said, and my heart started beating. I have to find her before she leaves me. "Get me on that flight." I ordered, and she looked a little scared as well. "I don't mean to sound scary or anything, I'm sorry but I just need to get on that flight." I told her. 

That's when she looked at me carefully and realized who I was. "You're Jonathan Toews" she gasped. "Yeah I am, now how about that flight?" I asked as I smiled. "Pay here, and fill these out. If you run you can catch it on time. But could I get a picture and an autograph please?" she asked. As I quickly got my credit card out and paid, then filled the forms. "Sure, but make it quick."

The lady handed me my trading card and I signed it. "I always keep this with me, just in case" she said, as we both smiled for the picture. "Thank you so much, and good luck!" she shouted as I ran off. "You're welcome and thanks! Bye!" I shouted back as I ran faster.

I quickly tried to rush through security checks, and finally I was through. I heard the speakers announce that the flight to Toronto was leaving now, and I saw Zendaya get up and she was almost gone before I yelled her name.

"Zendaya!" I yelled as I ran faster and faster to her. I saw here turn around, and it looked like she had tears in her eyes. She waved goodbye and blew me a kiss, before she disappeared. I ran faster as I now had tears in my eyes but I was too late, the guards there stopped me and told me I had to wait 6 hours for the next flight.

I tried to argue but it was no use, so I sat back down in a seat and cried to myself. I had just lost Zendaya, and I wasn't even sure if I could get her back. How could this have happened?

A/N: Well I've been working real hard on this chapter cause I wanted to get it out to you guys as soon as possible, so what do ya think? What is going to happen between Jonathan and Zendaya's relationship? Will Jacob come back and do more harm, or will he go away? I assure you guys all those questions will be answered in the next few chapters! I hope you enjoyed the story so far and don't forget to comment, vote and fan! Love you all and have a great day! <3 -Kat

Second Chance (A Jonathan Toews fanfic ~ spin-off to I think I love you.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora