Chapter 13- Maniac

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Jonathan's POV:

After getting off of the phone with Zendaya it calmed me down a bit. At least I knew she was okay, and that she would at least text me. It broke my heart that she was gone, and that it would take some time for this relationship to heal, but at least I knew that she still loved me and that she'd come back when she was ready.

I thought all about this when I drove back to the hotel to get my things and check out. I just arrived at the hotel when I noticed a familiar person standing by the entrance waiting for me. "Where the hell is she?" the person asked just as I walked up to open the door, and that's when it hit me.

This was Edward Carter, Zendaya's dad. I cleared my throat and looked up at him. "I uh.. I don't know." I lied. I knew exactly where she was, or at least going to.

She was going back to Toronto to visit her mother. Her father would've known if he didn't leave their family when Zendaya was only 7. Ever since that her father would randomly show up when he felt like, but would keep no other source of contact with them. He wouldn't even call or text them happy birthday.

"Look Jonathan I don't know what the hell you're doing with my girl, but she got back together with Jacob during the cup finals and you need to respect that! Leave her alone and stay away from her!" Zendaya's dad yelled at me.

I got mad, this man left Zendaya when she needed him most, and didn't bother to keep in touch with her. How dare he come back and now start to worry about her when he missed over a whole decade of her life!

I glared my eyes at him furiously and took a step closer. "I'll tell you one thing and that's Jacob and Zendaya are not back together. And maybe you'd know a bit more if you started acting like her damn father! For instance do you know why Zendaya and Jacob broke up in the first place? It wasn't just a stupid argument, HE FREAKING ABUSED HER!" I yelled, I was angry, and had every right to be. He left Zendaya and he can't just walk back into her life like that.

Mr Carter took a step back in shock. His eyes were wide open, and so was his jaw, he wasn't speaking for a few minutes and still wasn't and I felt a little scared. I put my hand on his shoulders and guided him inside and over to sit down at a lounge chair.

"Mr Carter, are you alright?" I ask a little unsure of what I should do. Mr Carter placed his hands covering his face and sighed heavily. "What have I done, no wonder Zendaya hates me so much. She'll never forgive me now." he cried, and as he looked up I noticed he had tears in his eyes. "Look, even through everything you've done to Zendaya, I know that deep down inside she doesn't hate you, she loves you, you're here father. She just hates that you were never there. I think if you really want to win her back, you need to talk to her and tell her that you care, and promise her you'll be there for her from now on. That's all she ever wanted from you." I said, as I patted Mr Carter's back and stood up and started making my way over to the elevator.

"Wait! Jonathan, thank you for telling me this. And sorry about what happened earlier. But if you don't mind me asking, what happened between you and Zendaya then? You obviously still care about her a lot." Mr Carter asked, and I sighed as I turned around to face him.

"Jacob got in the way of our relationship and she couldn't take it anymore. He took it too far. I don't know what I'm gonna do but I'm gonna do whatever it takes to get Zendaya back, and get rid of Jacob once and for all." I said, a sI fight back a couple tears in my eyes. I really did miss Zendaya.

"Look if there's anything I can do to help, please don't hesitate to let me know." Mr Carter said as he extended his hand out to shake mine. I shook his hand and smiled. "Actually there is something you could do for me.." I say with a small grin forming on my face.

**two hours later**

Two hours later, Mr Carter and I just finished having lunch at a cafe across from the hotel and discussed what we could do about Jacob. I figured that since Mr Carter was a lawyer he could do something about getting a restraining order for Zendaya. Mr Carter agreed and we talked everything through, after that he gave me his number and said to call him sometime tomorrow. I agreed and headed back to the hotel.

Jacob's POV:

 I went back to the hotel Zendaya was staying at only to find out that she wasn't there, I got into my car as soon as I heard the news and drove around everywhere. I wanted to be with her, and if I can't have her, no one will.

My plan was simple, I would get rid of Jonathan by costing him his job, that should keep him away for a while. Then I would call Zendaya's father and set Jonathan up, if this plan works out exactly how I want it to be, then Jonathan will no longer get in my way.

Then I plan to find Zendaya again. Once I do, she'll have options. She'll either live and be with me forever, or we'll have to go with the alternative. I'll kill her.

A/N: Heyy sorry this chapter's kinda short but I hope you all liked it! :) Don't forget to comment what you think will happen, and any questions or suggestions you have. Also vote, and I'll update soon! <3 -Kat

Second Chance (A Jonathan Toews fanfic ~ spin-off to I think I love you.)Where stories live. Discover now