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“Guess what Vanessa?” My eccentric and energetic best friend for 2 years Carmina asked me. “what?” I replied in a flat tone  “Yah! Stop talking like that” she chastised “your ruining the mood “you should’ve been used to it by now” I stated matter-of-factly in a bored tone “your hopeless. Anyway back to the topic, I’ve managed to get a spot in the varsity’s dance troupe!” she announced the beamed widely. “horay!” she shouted then skipped all the way to the room for our first subject this morning. I can’t help but smile for her achievement. Finally, she had overcome her fear.. unlike me. I shook my head as if it would shake away the thought.

Carmina and I have plenty of things in common that’s why we consider ourselves as bests of friends. Both of us where bullied in high school that’s why we’ve stop  doing what we love to do. Though,not completely. During that time, a lot of people tease us, telling us that we would never be good enough, that we should stop since it was a waste of time and was just our wistful thinking. Well, that was in my case actually. I always saw Carmina dancing though she hides it. Sometimes, she even sway to the sound of a beat unconsciously . I’ve got to say that she has what it takes to be a dancer---  A good one.  The Varsity’s dance troupe is lucky to have her. Plus, she should’ve tried out last year, when we are still in our first year in college.

When we have arrive, the professor wasn’t around yet so we decided to talk for more.  Well, she talk while I listen, responding every now and then.

“what about you Vanessa?” she suddenly ask

“ what about me?”

“ when will you have the guts to finally show your talent? I’ve heard that there is an upcoming song-writing  competition…”

“talent?” I snorted “yeah right. Tell that to the fools”

“ but you do!” she defended. She  took a crumpled paper from her green sling bag. The paper looks familiar to me.

“ hey. Is that my…” but she didn’t let me finish

“ look at your lyrics! They are good—no beautiful. It communicates to those who listen. Only if they were given a chance but the problem is, you have thrown them away before it could manage to. I like these lines best:

I can bless myself
There's no need for someone's help
There's no one to blame
There's no one to save you but yourself
I can justify all the mistakes in my life
It's taught me to be, it's givin' me me
And I'll survive
'Cause I have blessed myself


I mean come on! These words were too precious to be trashed…”

“Carmina!” this time I’m the one to interrupt her “Did you just touch my things? My trash to be exact?” I asked her incredulously

“ Can you blame me?!” she shrieked. A number of people turn their heads on our direction but carmina ignored them. “ they’re too precious, as I’ve said. Tell me something Vanessa” she looks at me seriously which happens very seldom

“ Do you have a tune for these lyrics?”

“ uh, yeah but..”

“ No buts. This is perfect for the contest. You should try this out”

“No Carmina!” I almost shout in horror “you know the reason why I can’t”

“ So? You’ll gonna let HER stop you again? Vanessa, live life moving forward. You can glance at your past but that shouldn’t hinder you into doing something your passionate about. Don’t let her ruin you again. Please! Do it for yourself”

“ I-I can’t”

“well bestie, prepare to be amaze” she told me in a determined voice. I know she’s up to something.. something that I don’t really want to know.”

Metamorphosis (A victim of bullying's story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang