All Lives.

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One man spoke and said that he had a dream.
That dream was for the people like us. You and me.
To come together as one and end our suffering,
to be kind to your neighbors and be kind.
But somehow that dream that was once so close,
seems to have turned into a Facebook quote.
A picture, words shared and everyone one knows,
but we all stopped doing the work.
Whatever happened to us?
The American way?
What has our world become today?
Have we all gone insane? Lost sight of what we need to say?
I am an African-American, New Zealand Polynesian,
but I am also proud to be a red bloodshed American!
It's not just Black, Latinos, White, lives that matter.
All Lives matter together is stronger.
We all matter, because we are all human.
Yes, I know some may not see that,
but that's not the main point, in fact,
it's what you do.
You shape the home of were you live.
You decide the fate this ship.
Weather it goes down, or helps us achieve what we wish we had found.

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