
37 1 1

November 12, 2016 // 11:04pm

The sirens i hear in the distant bring back faded memories that i cannot fully uncover. i hear the screams of people i have never met before - however, i carry their memory with me as if i've known them forever. I crave to know their names, to know why I have this buried memory, and to know what exactly happened.

I open my window to let in the frigid night air, and I shiver. It's alright, I let the cold seep into my bones. I hear more sirens, and I feel disturbed. It's late, why are there so many? I'm confused, anxious, and almost terrified. The scream of the siren is causing my dog to howl.

His howl is a peculiar thing - long and sad, like he wishes to tell of the horrors he saw in another life, but he never can. The sound pierces through my heart, and it feels like i've been touched by an angel and a demon at the same time.

I'm expired, however I wish to stay up and write. Writing is my one constant.

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