After lunch, Jamie and Cassy dropped me off at home and we were all smiles as we said our good-byes.

I sighed blissfully, as I walked through the front door. I made my way upstairs to stash my dress away in my closet and slip into some comfy clothes. I pulled on a black three-quarter cargo shorts and a blue short sleeved t-shirt. I walked back downstairs bare-foot, needing something to drink.

“Oh you back!” I turned as I heard my sister Lisa say as she entered the kitchen

“Yap” I replied popping the ‘p’.

Just then I heard Mason come through the front door. Mason entered the kitchen looking as if he was about to say something, but he snapped his mouth shut when he saw Lisa standing by the counter. I realized that he was about to shout out his usual greeting but decided not to.

I clenched my jaw, so now he wasn’t going to greet me in his usual way because my sister was in the same room. I literally felt like my relationship with Mason was falling away as soon as my sister stepped into this house.

I sighed, “Hey Mason.” I said refusing to use my nickname for him, since my sister decided to make it hers.

He looked at me and I saw his gaze soften and something flash through his eyes, “Hey Rachel.” He said and I smiled, hearing him say my name.

Am I crazy? Since when did I get happy when someone said my name?

I shook my head, trying to relieve it of its conflicting thoughts.

“Soooo I was thinking.” Lisa said in an overly cheery voice and I knew that I probably wasn’t going to like this.

I looked at her with a stern look, hoping that she wasn’t about to say something crazy.

She ignored my look and carried on, “Why don’t we go out tonight. You know to a club or something. Because one thing I realized while living here is that you two are all work and no play,” she said giving us both looks.

I rolled my eyes since I knew that Mason and I were never bored when we were together. We were always doing something fun, whether it was at home or out. We knew how to have fun together. But since my sister arrived that changed, well practically everything changed.

“Lisa, you do remember what you got arrested for right?” I said looking at her as if she was crazy, “do you really think that it’s the best idea for you to be partying?” I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

She shook her head, “That’s why you guys will be there. To make sure I don’t go over-board.” She said enthusiastically.

I scrunched up my face, I was over the whole drinking and partying stage in my life. I was a doctor for god’s sake. My motto was; you didn’t need booze to let loose!

“Lisa, I don’t really feel like getting drunk and dancing with strangers.” I said with a sigh. Plus shopping with Cassy and Jamie can be really tiring.

Lisa dropped her head and sighed over-dramatically, “Rachel; still the party-pooper I see. Well then why don’t you take a long bath and relax whilst me and Mason go out. I doubt Mason minds some liquid courage.” She said whilst smiling seductively at Mason.

I clenched my jaw to stop myself from lashing out at her slutty ways. Mason looked at me as if he was asking for my permission. Why the hell would he need my permission? I wasn’t his girlfriend, so I didn’t care if he went out and got drunk and maybe danced with a hundred strange women and maybe even bang my baby sister whilst he was at it. No sir I didn’t care!

I shrugged and tried to ignore the part of my brain that was saying that that was all a load of cow crap. “Yah, sure go ahead.” I said trying to sound calm and unaffected.

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