Chapter 4

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Hey guyz so heres another chapter. Please vote and comment.


Picture of Mason------->


Chapter 4

Rachel’s POV

“Doctor Rachel Grey please report to the chief’s office immediately,” the soft voice of the chiefs secretary, Lisa, announced through the hospitals intercom system. The chief was the main man who ran the hospital. Doctor Luke was a qualified surgeon and one of the best in the country. His hard work and dedication is what got him to where he was now.

I sighed and rubbed my drooping eyes whilst trying to supress a yawn. It’s been two weeks since I learnt about the new and specialised brain treatment program designed in China, which was now been brought to America. However, because of its success and prestige, the Chinese doctors have agreed to only treat fifty patients from America. These patients were to be chosen from over three thousand applicants from all over America. It was up to these patient’s doctors to convince the board to choose their patients for the treatment. I just so happen to be the doctor responsible for Adam’s application. This was the main reason for my lack of sleep and fatigue. I’ve been working non-stop for two weeks; trying to compile a good enough file to convince the Chinese medical board to accept Adam for their treatment.

I got up from the chair in the cafeteria and gave Cassy a small smile before turning towards the direction of the chief’s office. Lisa smiled and nodded at me as I stopped outside the office door. I exhaled slowly and raised my fist to knock on the door.

“Come in.”

I turned the door knob and walked in to the wide office. I walked towards the middle-aged man sitting behind the huge rectangular shaped desk. Luke had light blonde hair and soft blue eyes. He was fairly tall and well-built and let’s just say he made many of the female visitors swoon. However, every doctor employed by this hospital knew that Luke was a very goofy man, but could be serious if he wanted to.

“You wanted to talk to me?” I said as I sat at one of the soft chairs opposite him. I covered my mouth as I felt a yawn coming.

Luke chuckled, “You look like hell, Rach.”

“Oh why thank you chief, but I’m pretty sure you never called me here to compliment me on my looks,” I said crankily. This is what three hours of sleep a day for two weeks does to a happy-go-lucky person, such as myself.

“You right I didn’t, so turn that frown upside down right now and prepare yourself for some good news,” he exclaimed whilst sporting a rather big grin. If it was another time, I might have laughed at his silliness but I was too tired to even try.

“Luke?” I groaned.

“Jeez you such a buzz kill,” seeing my annoyed expression, he sighed, “Okay fine…. I got a letter today…. Now let me see where did I put it,” he said more to himself as he lifted folders off his table searching for the letter. He did this for a while, still wearing that stupid grin, until I groaned. This seemed to have made the letter magically appear right in front of his face. I had a feeling he was doing this just to irritate me.

“Aaaah here it is. So it states here that a five year old boy named Adam has supposedly been accepted by some china-man to participate in their experiments of the brain,” he said each word slowly as if he was reading out a speech to a dumb person.

At first I couldn’t make sense of what he was saying but when I realized what he meant, I jumped up causing the chair I was sitting on to fall backwards.

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