Interview #13- Under the Gray Willow Tree

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Author- angelyntjf

Date- 2/3/12

1) What is the name/genre of your story?

Under the Gray Willow Tree

It is a Thriller/Romace

PS It's not uploaded yet! I just want to give a teaser! XPP

2) What is your story about?

This story is about a girl named Willow Rayne whose life crumbled down before her eyes.

3) Do you have anymore stories written on Wattpad?

Yes, I do. It's called 'The Deal' and it's also going to be entered in Watty Awards 2012 under Teen Fiction (This one's under Thriller)

4) Is there anyone that inspired you to write?

Everything. The fact that I want to get all my ideas on paper. The fact that I want to tell people about all the stories that I have to tell them -- sometimes in real life or it could be something that I want/would love to see happen in real life.

5) How did you come across Wattpad?

From my awesome friend! She told me she was 'wattpading' and I asked 'what's that?' And she told me!

6) Is there any genre you prefer reading and/or writing?

I prefer reading and writing Romance/Thriller but I like Adventure, Spiritual and Mystery/Suspense too.

7) Is there any Wattpad clubs you enjoy being in?

Not particularly.. But, I guess the SYS club and the Spiritual Club

8) Is there any addition info readers should know?

Not really... Except maybe PLS GIVE MY STORIES A CHANCE!!! I'll be uploading this story very, very soon so stay tuned! Meanwhile, my other story:

Undiscovered Talent! Book 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora