Interview #15- Falling for The Wrong People

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Date- 2/4/12

1) What is the name/genre of your story?

My name of Wattpad is username is NadZii16 and my story is called "Falling for The Wrong People"

2) What is your story about?

My story is, what readers would call an overused plot, but from my point of view it actually isn't. It's about a young girl called Ameera who is 18 years old and she lives in Dinajpur which is in Bangladesh. After her dad dies, her and her mum are left to be the sole earners in the house and even though they struggle to sometimes raise money, they still are happy.

After some time, there is word of Ameera's marriage which is kind of a big deal and women in the are think that it is the perfect age for her to be married and it would be arranged to someone she doesn't know. Ameer'a actually really childish at heart and marriage would kind of make her leave her innocence. In the fruit farm that she works in, she finds it really hard to fight the attraction she has for her "master" who is actually 20 years old.

The whole plot of the story is whether everything that is planned from the beginning will actually happen or whether circumstances will kind of question her to be better.

It's a lot to take in but because my mother and quite a lot of people i know have had this happen to them, it makes it so much real to write about :)

3) Do you have anymore stories written on Wattpad?

Yes, i actually have another story on Wattpad called "Under The Influence" which is a lot more cliche as it is my first story on here!

4) Is there anyone that inspired you to write?

Funnily enough, it was my english teacher who always use to say that I have a knack for creative writing which kind of made me want to start writing and now my friends who read my story on this website just acknowledge the fact that I'm doing something i love and they can see it through my writing!

5) How did you come across Wattpad?

I came across wattpad when my friend was talking about "nothing left to lose" and "Wait! He's real?" in school and they both sounded so interesting that that same day i joined and i've loved it ever since :)

6) Is there any genre you prefer reading and/or writing?

The genre i prefer reading and writing is humor and romance. Sometimes, I like vampire but not always :)

7) Is there any Wattpad clubs you enjoy being in?

Errm, share your story club, undiscovered gems and book cover clubs :)

8) Is there any addition info readers should know?

err, not really. Apart from i really hope you enjoy reading my stories :D

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