Interview #12- This Time

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Author- ForeverNina

Date- 2/1/12

1) What is the name/genre of your story?

Name of story: This Time Genre: The dreaded Teen Fiction/Romance lol xP

2) What is your story about?

Official Summary:

Wait a second.

Someone just died. Someone was just born. Someone lost their heart. Someone fell in love. It only takes one second for someone's life to change. Like now, someone's life was drastically altered. And now. And now. So why is it that we go through life without knowing that with every breath we take, someone's breath stops all together.

Why don't you ask Audie Hamilton? Because Logan Thompson is about to teach her that this time, things won't be as bad.

Deciphered Summary: It revolves around a girl that thinks her life is horrible. Then she meets a guy that changes everything and teaches her the real meaning behind life and appreciating what you have. But life has a weird way of nipping you in the butt.

3) Do you have anymore stories written on Wattpad?

Nope lol xP Today was my first day. Give me a break:)

4) Is there anyone that inspired you to write?

No. I write because I want to not because some wannabe author made me want too lol

5) How did you come across Wattpad?

 I found the app :)

6) Is there any genre you prefer reading and/or writing?

Not really. Teen Fic. Horror. Romance. SCIENCE FICTION! <----That's my fave though I suck at writing it lol xp

7) Is there any Wattpad clubs you enjoy being in?

 No not really

8) Is there any addition info readers should know?

 I'm friendly :)

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