Interview #9- Fragile

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Author- Frognapped

Date- 1/29/12

1) What is the name/genre of your story?

The name of my book is Fragile. The genre is Teen fiction, or adventure.

2) What is your story about?

Who would have thought living a lie could be so dangerous?, not Sage Cleveland{17}, she thinks everything will revolve around her, including, breaking, and bending the rules. That is, until her biggest lie of all gets torn in half, and her whole world sinks, and besides the fact someone has been hunting her down for the past 3 years{the start of all her lies}, how will things ever get better? Sage will find her way out, but, will it be with another lie!

3) Do you have anymore stories written on Wattpad?

Yes. I do have 3 major stories that I have written on Wattpad as well. They are 'Dinosapien', 'Alone', and 'One Wish". One Wish is new.

4) Is there anyone that inspired you to write?

Well, I have always had a talent for writing. After reading so many good books written by such good of Authors, I thought I should give it a try. So, different Authors have. Also, after I made a Wattpad account, the views inspired me to write more also.

5) How did you come across Wattpad?

I came across Wattpad by when my friend@BroBrahBroski told me about how cool and fun it was! So, I HAD to make an account, of course.

6) Is there any genre you prefer reading and/or writing?

I prefer to write teen fiction, with a twist of romance, and a little humor added in. I like to read teen fiction, faint romance(not to intense), and definetly humor. I love to laugh, when reading!

7) Is there any Wattpad clubs you enjoy being in?

I enjoy to be in the Book Cover club, because I like to make covers for people, and I also like the Share your Story, because you get to tell readers about your or other peoples stories.

8) Is there any addition info readers should know?

I really enjoy writing, ALL of my stories. And, I hope all of you will love to read them. I hope my work into the stories, the humor, romance, and teen fiction can relate to your life, and experiences, as I will try them to. Overall, I'm just glad to be on Wattpad. Thankies!! :3

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