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You're Warm

Chapter 35: Everything

In his mind, nothing was scarier than having to hear someone that was once close to him planning the deaths of the people that he held very close to his heart. The fact that she never gave him the time and place of when her plan was going to get carried out, he hated the calls that he would receive when he learned about their deaths.

That time when his father died devastated him and his very small family. He had no one to look after him than his relative, Sakura, who was still unstable and unwanted from others - She however, had her own life and couldn't remain by his side forever - Lessons had time, and her lessons for him ended after she learned about the truth.

Lisanna was never... Insane when she was younger. She was passionate, loving and accepting. She would never hate her extended family of non-existent blood bonds, and she would never think about anything corrupted such as causing death.

Because of Lisanna, he had to destroy many of his bonds - Bonds that he valued deep in his heart such as the one with Lucy and Sakura. Being taught at a young age that family and friends were important assets to an individual, he was forced to ignore these precious relationships when she finally snapped into her insane actions.

There, he stood behind Lucy who was standing in front of her parent's graves. The rain pelting down, he remembered the day when he was secretly watching her from the tree. The day that he was unable to visit her after hearing about her parent's death.

"Ne, Natsu... My parents - They were killed by her, weren't they?" Lucy whispered, looking down to her parents where she slightly shivered to the cold that was making their way into her skin. Rubbing her arm, she looked up and over her shoulder when she felt his warm hand hold hers. With a saddened, yet forced smile, she sighed when he slowly nodded his head.

Perhaps the world was against her.

"She did mention it once but I thought that she was joking until it actually happened. She then began threatening me with you..." he reasoned, tightening his hold where she slowly moved to face him with a grim expression.

He knew that the girl in front of him was a caring and forgiving person that grew up with both parental love. He knew that even though she was forgiving, his actions were going to be hard for her to forgive and forget.

The distant rumbling of thunder in the distance echoing into their ears, they remained quiet as they gazed at the graves that Lucy couldn't handle to stand close to. Her breathing shallow where her keys began to shine and clatter, she nibbled on the bottom of her lips as she placed a hand over them to reassure her spirits that she was fine.

"I just wanted to protect you guys... She makes everything possible," Natsu continued.

Lucy didn't say anything as tears began to fall. She knew how much Natsu cherished her when they were younger but his actions to protect her were completely hurtful - He never told her anything regarding to her health and safety.

"I was so hurt when you called me names. You sounded like you meant it, and it killed me inside and out when you treated me like an insect..." she whispered, wanting to pull her hand away from his where the beast within her growled.

The beast inside of her felt used. Belladonna was a beast of poison, but all she wanted was to be loved by her fated on and be useful when it came to protecting him - He gave her hope when they were younger - That they were together. Instead, she was thrown away without knowing the reason, putting her into complete outrage when it was time to be accepted by her other half.

"I didn't mean to call you names but Lisanna having her spies all over the school and all, I needed to show her that I was following her orders..." he replied, pulling her into an embrace when he noticed her shivering from the cold.

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