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You're Warm
Chapter 27: Plead

He stood there watching over his cousin in guilt as he listened to her cries silently. It's been a while since she has cried this hard in front of him, and honestly, it really did hurt him knowing that his father was no longer in her life like how he was in the past...

Igneel was a great man. He had good judgement, and was the one that accepted Sakura and her past without feeling any regret for his actions.

  He was always there for the both of them. Each time they would see him in the house, he would always be grinning and giving them a big bear hug which never fails to make Sakura smile after coming home from her visit to the forests nearby.

No matter what others may say about him - Calling him a man without a loving wife - He would always remain strong, and perhaps, that attitude of his rubbed onto Sakura since she was strong-headed and was never giving up to the insults of people calling her an abandoned child at a young age.

"She barged into this place and threw what she could onto the floor. I managed to take her out, which you saw when you came here," he said where Sakura held back her whimpers to glare at him.

"We all know what she wants from us - You just don't want to say anything..." she whispered as she looked at the shrine again and placed the shattered frame gently on the middle shelf.

Slowly standing up, she balled her fists and turned her body to face him. Her magic seeping out of her body where her beast emerged from her body to stare at Natsu with its semi-transparent body, she lowly growled as she held her back.

"I gave you so many chances Natsu... Even though I'm younger than you, I too gave you information about mates..." she began as her eyes slowly began to glow a hue of red.

   "You broke Lucy. You broke Erza and Gray who are trying to fix their relationship with the blonde. You broke Sting and Rogue's expectations... You broke me and Takuto together..."

Sakura shook her head and placed a hand over her heart. "Natsu... Lucy needs someone to be with her - She's at a critical point and I think we can't hold her back anymore in the other world..." she informed where she looked into his eyes which held so much pain.

"I have noticed how much her beast wants to touch her fated one... Each time I visit her home, I get delusional, thinking that she's there..." she said, taking steps back where she rested against the wall tiredly.

Forcing herself to laugh, she held back her tears once again. "Heck... I even went there again thinking that she may be doing something horrible to herself when actually she's just sleeping in another world..." she confessed before running her fingers through her hair.

She looked at him as her eyes began to go back to their normal colour. Her mind not functioning as well as usual due to her tired state, she sadly smiled to him with her droopy eyes. "You know that Lisanna is not your mate. I waited for you to tell me everything, but I guess I had to snoop around to find out about the truth... Natsu, it's time for you to truly accept reality because once Lucy's beast has had enough of this - You're gonna be dead and lowered into the ground without even knowing that she was the one that killed you."

With that, she pushed herself away from the wall where her wolves pushed through to catch her falling body. Drancer looking up to Natsu's slouching form, he opened his mouth where his words flowed out in a tired tone. "We are currently holding Lucy inside of a crystal in the Celestial Realm... If you truly want to accept her and bring an end to all of this foolishness, then please come to Sakura-sama where we will take you to her," he informed with Knight staring at the boy with narrowed eyes.

"That girl that she's overprotective of... Her beast yearns for her fated other... It's crying in its sleep, and is seeking for blood when its eyes are open. Sooner or later, corruption will take over," Knight stated before heading out through the back door where Drancer bowed his head to Natsu then over to Igneel's shrine.

Both wolves jumping away with Sakura resting on Knight's back, they shifted into their human forms when they knew Natsu couldn't see them.

Where exactly were they heading to now? The only place they knew, other than Takuto's home, was the world that they had just mentioned to the boy with pink hair.

So taking Sakura to sleep with Lucy's resting body, they softly howled before passing through the gates that connected both worlds together.

    It's almost time for Lucy's eyes to open. When that time comes, her beast will be uncontrollable - Much worse than what happened months ago...

He on the other hand remained rooted in his spot in a daze. It's been a while since he went to school, and it has definite been a while since Sakura had visited their home to pray to the old man in the cupboard.

For so long, he never felt that his home was large and empty until today. He missed the blaring the conversations that he used to have with Sakura on the speakers, as they catch up on life through a small camera and computer in his room - How his close friends would come and say hi to her where often Igneel would come in and discuss things with them all.

That life that they once had was no more when a certain girl came and called him her mate. She was obsessive, and never once did he doubt her until Sakura started to answer his questions.

  His cousin being younger than him, he knew that it was embarrassing for someone like him to ask such a thing. Igneel would always try to hint these things when he was merely a young child, and now acknowledging how important mates are, he found his heart throbbing in pain as he began to head towards him living room.

"I screwed up hard," he groaned as he plopped himself onto his couch.

Covering his eyes with his arm, he gave out a loud sigh of annoyance where he thought back to the tears being shed by the girl with blonde hair. She has suffered so much thanks to him - She lost her parents, her friends, and now her sanity...

If only he could go back in time to fix all of his mistakes.

"Natsu... We're coming in," Erza's voice echoed through the hallway. 

He sat there silently as he listened to the two pairs of feet entering his home and into the living room. Knowing that it was Erza and Gray sitting on the couch that was facing him, he remained in his spot as he opened his mouth to speak.

     "Guys... I think it's about time I accept everything," he whispered.

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