Sakura's Support

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You're Warm
Chapter 6: Sakura's Support

Standing there confused with her hand out to the retreating blonde, Sakura slowly pulled her open hand towards her chest with a frown on her face. After all of that, Lucy decided that it was best to run away from another person's acceptance to her story.

She knew that the blonde was indeed a powerful mage. Lucy was indeed powerful. Her bonds with her spirits were that strong for them to pass through the gates to protect her.

Sighing, the wind began to brush by her. With an elegant hand, she pulled her right bangs behind her shoulder.

  "If she told me her story with that much insecurity, then she must have been through some traumatising things – Right?"

Her earrings glowing, she closed her eyes. Two cards, hidden under her outfit, began to brightly glow to her question where one of them began to communicate to her.
"Yes Sakura-sama..." a voice replied before both cards stopped glowing, making the crimson smile.

Slowly opening her eyes, she looked up to the sky. "I want to help her by talking to Natsu and the others, but before, when I asked them that, they denied it bluntly..." she whispered.

Picking up Lucy's scent, she sadly smiled. There should be no one in the world that has to suffer by themselves. Elite made it clear.

Once upon a time, Elite was one of the many existing types of elemental dragons wandering around on this globe. Due to their distinctive powers of gaining the knowledge and strengths of learning the other three main types of elements, they were threatened.
She was killed when she was teaching the young Sakura. Only teaching her the basics of the four elements – Water dominating the other three due to it being Elite's main element to begin with.

Sakura knew Lucy's pain. She wanted to step into the spitfire, but Elite told her not to specifically enter a damaged relationship.

  ["You must never enter a foreign spitfire. Even with pure intentions, you'll always be hurt in the end. Just help on the outside, but never in the inside..."] Elite's voice reminded her.

Running her fingers through her long hair, she frowned. "I don't want Lucy to go through this pain. Not when she could snap and hurt the people around her," she whispered, looking down to her shaking hands as her eyes began to shine brightly.

Her breath shaky, Sakura closed her eyes and shook her head. "No... I can't break my promise with him. I won't lose control again."

Heading straight to the school building, she walked through the hallways with a forced smile on her face.
  "No matter what, I'll put a smile onto her face," she said in determination.

Lucy on the other hand, walked to her classroom with tears threatening to fall in her eyes. Standing in an empty hallway, she stood in front of her English classroom and took in a deep breath.

"Calm down Lucy... Even if no one likes you other than possibly two students, don't show that you're weak," she whispered to herself.

Trying to calm down her raging nerves, she slid open the classroom door to stand in front of her teacher that had her purple hair tied up. "You must be Lucy – The new student," the teacher hummed as she turned to look at Lucy with a smile.

"You're late, but I'll leave it to that. I'm Miss Laki," she introduced before pointing over to the seat that was besides the window. "You can sit over there since every other seat is taken."

Lucy nodding, she looked over to where Miss Laki had placed her in and widened her eyes. No...

Sitting there behind her empty seat was Natsu Dragneel. To his right was Erza, and in front of her, right next to her empty seat as Gray.
 Taking in a deep breath, she whispered a thank you before apologising how late she was to class.

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