Chapter 10: Confessions

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Aurum sat at the gates to heaven lamenting what had transpired. Harmonia had been reborn! For what though? He hadn't been able to find her new body before Denarios! Maybe karma did exist. Everything he had done was for nothing! There were other factors that had played in it as well. But it came down to the fact that he still didn't get what he had wanted in the end!

"Is there any reason I should not have your wings for what you have done?" Metatron said in a calm manner as he walked up to Aurum and sat down next to him. "She is as beautiful now as she was then."

"And she loves Denarios still." Aurum said simply.

"What were you thinking? Our love is not to be in that fashion. We are to love and nurture mankind. They sinned and were punished." He shook his head in dissapointment. "To have her reborn Aurum, what were you thinking? And how this was done with none knowing I can't even guess." Why was the real question. Then it hit him. "You were going to ask to fall. To choose to be human so you could be with her." So many have made that choice to have it end badly for them. Aurum's silence spoke volumes. "What if she hadn't of chosen you?"

How could she not? If he were human and she hadn't met Denarios? "I don't know Metatron. She would have been worth the risk."

That was an answer he didn't expect to hear. Aurum had taken two out of Harmonia's six wings himself. If it had been out of jealousy then that would also place him for wrath. He'd be racking up the sin count on himself. What should he do? This was something that caused him to lose one of his seraphim. Yes she had sinned as well. But if Aurum hadn't pulled the strings he had maybe her sentence would have been lighter. "I'm disappointed in you, and myself. It took over four hundred years for this to come to light. Everything you have done with this has caused pain. Outside of that, to punish you with them in mind would be vengeful, it must fit your sins. I will speak on your behalf to the tribunal. In all honesty I see purgatory or hell in your future. I don't think they will allow you to fall with the humans. For right now you are stripped of your duties and must go to purgatory to await further instructions." He said as he stood up and walked into heaven leaving the offending angel behind.

Damn it! This was not what he wanted at all! He had failed! All of this planning! All of this waiting! He didn't have much time...


Denarios took May to her apartment and laid her down on the bed. She was still in bad shape. Her eyes looked the same and she still couldn't feel or move. It was like she had been torn down to minimum functions as a living human. There have been a few cases where a soul that has yet to leave a body could still see and hear, and in even rarer cases speak. He sat next to her on the bed and placed his head on her chest. Her heart was barely beating. If this kept up she would slowly begin to suffer from brain damage from the small bit of oxygen she was getting. The rise and fall of her chest was hardly detectable. "I don't know what to do..." He said quietly. Could a hospital even help her? This wasn't just some normal affliction.

"I'll be okay. At least I can still see you, hear you." Her voice sounded weak. But what could she do... She didn't want him to worry. Knowing him though it wouldn't ease him at all.

"May." He said her name gently. "I know what you're trying to do. I'm going to take care of this no matter what. I refuse to lose you!" Going through this pain once was enough! He would not do it again!

"Don't lose your soul to do it... Please."

His head snapped up and he looked into her eyes. "How do you...?"

"I saw what you were doing in the reflection. You were talking to the homeless man I met. Well I know he's really an angel now. You were planning on giving yourself to save me. I don't want you to. I also don't want to forget you. Please. To never have known you would be something I would never want to do." Her brain to mouth filter must be broken. She only meant to think that last part.

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