Chapter 2: New Home, New Job

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Now this looks more like the movies. May Thought to herself. When they reappeared it looked like she was in an apartment building but the tenets weren't exactly human. There were demons all over the place, that actually looked like demons! Some had red skin, some had midnight black skin, some even had dark green skin. Some with horns, wings, and/or tails! When they appeared in the middle of the lobby all heads turned towards them. May was suddenly very conscious about how bad her clothes looked. When she turned to look at Denarios he still looked the same. Thank goodness!

"Well this is home." He said with bow. "I will take you to your apartment so you can get settled in. Then I can introduce you to your coworkers if you would like?" He had noticed that instead of freaking out over the sight of those around her, she seemed more concerned that she was the sight to them. Very odd human.

She took a deep breath. "That sounds like a plan to me." She said as they turned and headed towards the elevator, only to be stopped by a beautiful green winged demon woman.

"So Denarios... Who's the fresh meat?" She asked as she got too close to him, placing a hand on his chest looking very wanton.

Way too close for May's comfort! Why is that making me angry? She was pissed yet it felt like her heart sunk into her stomach.

The she demon saw the look on her face and grinned allowing her forked tongue to trace her lips.

"This is May." He said taking a step back. "She will be working in the loan office up top."

"Up top?!" May asked surprised. "As in we're not up top right now?!" She ran to a window and peered out seeing only blackness.

"Oh you poor thing." The she demon said with sarcasm.

"Don't scare her Eve." He said and walked over to May. "No, this place has to be hidden. Can't exactly have a building full of demons up top now can we?"

"I suppose not." She said sadly. "I think I'd like to settle in to my place now." And for some reason she didn't understand she placed her hand in his.

That's the second time she's surprised him tonight. Odd human indeed. "If you'll excuse us Eve I'm going to take her to her apartment now." He said pulling May along back towards the elevator. Once inside he turned to May, still holding her hand. "You okay?" You ok? Seriously? Was there something wrong with him?

"Yeah I'll be fine." She thought about it for a second. "Her name is Eve? That wouldn't be THE Eve?"

"Observant aren't you?" He asked as he hit the button for the top floor.

"Well she's green, thinking that's with envy for how she felt about Lilith being really the first woman with Adam. Forked tongue for the way she talked him into eating the apple. I just didn't think I'd see her here... And so damn brazen." She shook her head.

He laughed so hard at her words that he actually couldn't breathe. She started to laugh too and it sounded like music to his ears. It wasn't the normal demonic laugh he was so used to hearing. Make that the third time she had surprised him just in the short hour they have known each other. It's somewhat unnerved him that this one human could make him act so against character in such a short time. "Looks like this is our floor." He said as he let her out of the elevator still hand-in-hand. He took her all the way down to the end of the hallway to the last apartment. He snapped his fingers and brought forth a key. He placed the key in the lock turning it and opening the door.

It looked like a standard studio apartment. Everything was open to itself except for the bathroom. May walked in and took a look around at everything inside. Walking over to the wall that I guess you could call the kitchen and open the fridge to find it full of, luckily, human food. Then walking over to the dresser to find it full of clothes.

"This is very nice!" She exclaimed as she inspected the rest of the room. She then walked over to the bed and threw herself on top of it. It was really really soft. "This is very very nice!" She hadn't realized how tired she really was until now.

He had taken his eyes off of her only for a second. It was very interesting to watch this human take so much pleasure in being given the most simplest of things. Her kind were the reason why he was cast down from Heaven and into Hell. Yet he did the same thing he had always done. With one exception, that what he does now required someone to sell their soul. "My apartment is just across the hall. So should you need anything, if I am not working, I will be there."

"Mmmmmmm..." Was all she could get out as she snuggled her face into a pillow.

"I think what you really need is sleep. You can meet your coworkers in the morning when I take you to your new job."

"Mmm..." May moaned again drifting further into sleep.

Denarios sighed with exasperation but smiled as he covered her up with a blanket that was at the foot of the bed. He then turned and walked out of the apartment locking the door behind him.  Why do I even care? He shook his head.


May awoke to the sound of Denarios knocking and calling for her through the door.

"Come on sleepyhead it is time to get up and get ready for work." He laughed wickedly. "Don't make me come in there!"

"I'm up I'm up! She said pulling her hair back in a quick bun and switched into one of the nicer sets of clothes in the dresser. "I'm coming!"

Denarios snickered at her, because she sounded like a teen that stayed up too late. The laugh  died in his throat when she came out wearing a black pencil skirt and a deep cut pink top. With her hair  pulled up he was able to see her neckline to her shoulders, and cleavage. She's all woman... He quickly shook his head and looked her in the eyes. Too bad she wasn't one of his kind... Not like he was too pleased with them. They were conniving and power hungry. Only sleeping with other demons if it would put them in a better place of rule. He just avoided it all together. Couldn't have it in Heaven, but didn't want it in Hell.

Did he just check her out? Crap this shirt is a little low, and he is a 'man'... "I'm ready." She mentally slapped herself for her choice of words. "How do we get there?"

"Well I can take you anytime I'm here or there back home. But in the office there is a door in the break room that brings you back to the lobby. We'll just take the shortcut." He said as he placed his hand on her shoulder. Again they vanished.


They reappeared in a back room filled wall to wall with filing cabinets, with demon women walking around. One black skinned she demon with horns and a tail ran up to them with a smile on her face.

"Is this the human?" She held her hand out to May, which she took. "I'm Candy! It's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Pleasure to meet you too Candy! I'm May! I've got a small idea of what we do here, but could you please explain it a bit more?"

"Well when there are people in need of money we give it to them, in exchange for their soul. If they can pay it back then they get their soul back. It's pretty simple. It's all one amount, we don't do small here. Every loan is for ten thousand dollars, then they make payments." Candy says. "But we have to be very assertive about the amount of time they get to pay it back. Your deal is special... I've never seen somebody get offered a job for their soul in this office. A lot of the people here are really in need." She pointed her finger in a tit a tat wag. "Now don't think that there aren't people that don't pay us back for our generosity. There are some that try to take it and run." Her face lightens up. "Oh I almost forgot!" She hands May what looks like a bank card. "This is how we pay you, and how you pay us back. If you work enough hours you may have a little extra after you make your payment. You can use this anywhere like a normal human card. Just don't not make your payment cause you will get behind. Then there's no saving your soul."

May blanched a bit. "I won't forget." She may have been eager to take this deal, but it doesn't mean she wasn't eager to get her soul back. To her this was a job to get her off the streets.

"You ready to get to work?" Denarios asked.

"Yes." She said simply.

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