Chapter 8: Love and Sacrifice

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There was one thing he could tell her... even though he would be putting himself out there. Making himself vulnerable. He took her into his arms and held her close. "I don't want anything to happen to you. Please."

What? He was holding her almost to the point where she couldn't breathe. Her heart felt like it was about to beat out of her chest. She loved him so much that it hurt... But she knew she couldn't stay with him forever. The best thing she could do for him was find Harmonia so he could be with her. She took a deep breath and steeled herself. "Don't go easy on me just because I'm a human." She laughed as she backed away from him forcing a smile. "I'll stop being reckless and just do my job so I can get out of your hair asap."

It hurt like hell! He should know considering... Yet part of him (a very small part) felt relieved. Maybe she would put all of her focus on herself and paying her debt. Hopefully before heaven or hell figured it out. "If you want to, it will suck, but you can work more if you need to. Schedule you open to close everyday." 

"Sounds good to me." The way he switched from hugging her to telling her how to pay off faster stung a little, but it's what needed to happen. She would play along and work as much as she could, still looking for Harmonia in what little time she would have outside of that. "Well if I'm going to be working more I guess I should get some sleep then." She said as gently as possible hoping he would leave. Looking at him right now was a little too much to bare.

Was she dismissing him? Although she was right there in front of him it felt like she she was hundreds of miles away. The emotions running through him were making it hard to keep his human form. The last thing he wanted to do right now was shift into his demon form for her to see. So he said his partings and left without turning back.

As soon as he left she threw herself onto her bed and cried herself to sleep.


He could hear her sobs through her apartment door as he left. Even as she cried it sounded like a harmonious melody to his ears. It wrecked him to a point that he could hold his human form no longer. Yet her crying told him what she had really done in there. She had turned him away because she was so, for a lack of a better term, hell bent on finding Harmonia for him. Even now he was hurting her. He was damned either way! Deep inside of himself he felt like truth or not he had to get her out of there and back to her own normal human life. But the way to do that meant that he would have to talk to an angel that he hadn't seen in over four hundred years. He needed Devine intervention. It could cost him his soul to a fate worse than hell. It would cost him what existence he had left. If it helped her he would do what was needed. The destruction of his soul for the salvation of hers. He would go to purgatory tonight in hopes of setting up a meeting... Hopefully the angel he needed would answer.  He couldn't go home just yet.


"So who wants what?" May asked her she demon coworkers as she headed out the door for her break.

"Chocolate sounds great!" Candy said and the others nodded in agreement.

"Will do!" She said with a smile and left heading towards the corner store.

"Well hello there." Said a voice out of nowhere.

She knew that voice. Of course he'd come on the day she wasn't looking for him. Despite that, his timing couldn't be better. "Hello Aurum." She said as she turned to face him. "Just the angel I was looking for."

He could sense that she was honest with that statement. "Oh really?" He couldn't stop the grin that crept along his face. "What can I do for you?"

"I need an escort into purgatory. Think you can help me with that?" She asked with a smile.

He had a feeling that this was something Denarios would be pissed about. So naturally... "Of course I can do that. Just tell me when. I could have you there and back in no time." Depending on what happens... He thought to himself. What could be better than her asking him outright like that?

Well if that was the case. "Can we go now?" May didn't think she'd get another chance like this again. She had to act fast!

"Sure." He knew what she was looking for. And he had no problem helping her find it, or herself. "Take my hand."

She rolled her eyes mentally and saw him grin. She forgot that he could read her emotions. Sometimes it sucked being around people with powers. "Ok." She said as she placed her hand in his.

Just like with Denarios , they vanished.


Purgatory was not at all like May thought it would be. Actually it was almost comically opposite. It looked more like the inside of an office building. There were people everywhere wearing gray suits working at desks.

"Not what you expected?" He laughed at the expression on her face. "The souls here can work their way into heaven, or hell, depending on how they behave while they are here. Then there are those that do not change and continue just to be the way they were on earth, and here is where they will stay for the remainder of time."

"By doing paperwork?" May asked.

"By doing whatever heaven asks of them." He replied as he walked through the building hallway with her following close behind him till they reached a set of double doors.

When they walked through May saw what looked like a large beautiful garden. There was a large white gate standing alone on one side, a large black gate standing alone on the right side, a large flowing fountain in the middle, and just behind that a large well. "I think I already know what the gates are for. But the well and fountain I have no idea."

"This is the garden of truth. If a soul looks into the fountain the water will show them anything that they ask of it. Including if you're on the right path to go to heaven or hell. Sometimes there is another option given. If one soul remains in perfect balance yet heaven deems it to be okay they can be put in the well of rebirth so they may have another chance. The only downside is that it won't work for angels or demons."

It was hard for May to believe it was that easy. "So all I have to do is look into the fountain?"

"Yes... you may not understand what you see. I'm afraid for you. But the choice is yours." He knew she would go for it anyway. For this gamble to work he had to show concern for her wellbeing. He did really care, but more about his end goal.

His warning fell on uninterested ears. Maybe he was just saying that to stop her from looking. Then again if he didn't want her to look then why bring her up here. Maybe he was genuine. May took a deep breath and decided to go for it anyway.

"No matter what happens I am here to help or answer any questions when you get the answer you were looking for. I have a feeling you will have many more after." Go for it.

She didn't say anything to him before she walked up to the beautiful marble fountain and sat on the edge. When she looked down she was surprised to see that the water was not clear, the surface was more like a mirror. Well there is no better time like that here and now. While looking down at the surface she asked her question. "Where is Harmonia?"

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