28. New Chapter

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"Here it is," said my dad showing me the door to my new apartment.

"It has a fingerprint scanner and hence we no longer need to use keys. Same with the rooms inside that you'd like to lock. All of them have the same thing. So far, only you and I have access to this apartment.

I put my thumb on the scanner and the door automatically opened. I was quite impressed with the whole place. It was so different. The view, from when I first entered, was breathtaking. Just one large window overlooking the city of opportunity.

"Here is your living room that you walk straight into. I got these chairs, I thought they looked kinda cool. I packed up your counsels and set them up here for you. I also got you some new games they are here in the cd rack," he said moving over to the seats.

"I got you a tv here, your guest room and your room as well and all of them have cable. Each room has an AC and a heater inbuilt. The living room has this mini fireplace, but don't actually burn anything, it gives the illusion of a fire but the room does get warmer," he said turning to see if I understood what he was saying.

I nodded and walked in. I had a walking stick now. My leg had healed well in the hospital so I was only on crutches for a week. Now I could walk freely but I need the support of the walking stick.

"You also have your own personal gym. New York is not like your previous home. You can get beaten up out here for casually walking. So I bought you a treadmill, a bike and dumbbells. You can work out in there where you are safe," he said walking towards the array of doors up ahead.

We passed a door that leads to the kitchen and it too was really quite big. This is the ideal bachelor pad. Though my heart belongs to AmberRose Naomi Linscott. I hope we don't forget about each other though. Her dad already turned down the idea and me as well.

"This is the guest lavatory in case you have visitors. This opaque glass door leads to the gym. On the right here we have the guest room and the last room there is your room. Though the door straight ahead is something special that your mum said I had to put or she'd haunt my soul forever," he said walking towards it.

I walked over and he put his hand out for me to open the door. I opened it and walked into the music studio. It had some new guitars, a piano, along the deck and a sound booth. There was a microphone, headphones and what seemed to be an inbuilt computer for the room. I also saw some video cameras that I presume were for recording.

"I pulled in some favours and I got Dr Dre to hook you up with some cool gear and a mini studio for you to make music. All endorsed from Beats by Dre. He said he'd actually seen some of the videos you posted and was beyond impressed, he was happy to do it all for free," he said walking in and looking at the room and feeling accomplished.

I went over to him and gave him a hug. It's been forever but I could believe how much he had pulled through for me.

"Thanks, father," I said letting go of him.

"I've messed your life up and I guess it's high time that I started doing my part. 17 years is a lot to miss and I don't deserve you in my custody but give me a chance to show you that I care," he said looking at me.

"We can start with that accent. I want it. All the women just stare at you whenever you talk like you're the missing piece of their puzzle," I said laughing my way out of the room.

"It'll take time but I think we can make it work," he said following me out. "I'm just upstairs if you need anything please feel free to come up or call and I'll be down. If you want to meet your step mum we'd have to schedule. Otherwise, feel free to come anytime. Please be careful though," he said heading to the door.

"I forgot to mention, in your room, there is a tab that takes care of the security cameras. So if you want to look at who's at the door look at that. You need to be careful okay. I don't want anything to happen to you. Here's your card. Use it wisely or you'll starve," he said leaving my apartment.

I closed the door behind him and took my phone. I got a new one since my other one got smashed on impact when I jumped out and rolled. Though I feel I might just break it. This phone is like a feather. The notorious iPhone X.

Me: I miss you

Amber: Hard not to think about you

Me: My apartment is cool but there's room for one more

Amber: I hope that's me :)

Me: It's always you....any luck with dad

Amber: Still hates the idea, I'll try during the summer though

Me: I love you <3

Amber: I know :)

Me: Feel yourself much

Amber: A little

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