21. Matthew

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I moved my head to the side and opened my eyes slowly. I had a really bad headache and for some reason, the right half of my body felt really heavy.

The room was really bright white.

White? I'm in the hospital I presume.

Though the walls looked very familiar. I lifted my left hand and scratched my head. I slowed moved my arm down to where the weight was and I felt another arm.

When I looked down I saw a familiar head. I couldn't believe it. I had a smile so wide my cheeks almost began to hurt.

"Melony, I'm awake now," I said rubbing her slowly.

She looked up at me and said, "It's about time. You were out for 4 years," she said.

4 years!

"Four years. There's no way. I couldn't have been out for four years. The last thing I remember was fainting," I said sitting up slowly. There was a drip on my hand. It hurt.

"I'm joking. You were out for like 2 days. You had the shock of your life, as your therapist put it. After you saw Matthew -"

"Matthew is here," I hyperventilated a little before calming myself down.

"He is. He came to see you, me, Mark and mum. But since he's been so out of touch, he didn't know half of what had happened. He dropped me off the other day when you were admitted. He mentioned that he went over and saw Natalie as well. Then he went to look for you but looks like you can't move on from the past. I don't understand your pain but I'm not happy he's here."

"What can I say, I'm a sensitive guy and how would you get over what he did to me? Besides that, where's mum, but more importantly Amber."

"Mum went to appeal to court again and Amber will be coming for her shift in about an hour," she said holding my hand.

"Her shift?" I was puzzled.

"Her and I were swapping until you woke up. So I won't tell the doctor you're awake. Go back to sleep and wake up when Amber gets her. You'll need it," she kissed my forehead and stroked my head.

I missed this. What would I do if Melony didn't exist?

I went back to sleep and waited for what felt like forever. Then I felt someone heavy lean on my right side. I didn't flinch.

"God please let him wake up. I can't lose him. He's my everything. I promise to do him right if he wakes up,"

I could hear her voice break.

Do him right? What's she talking about?

"Mmmm. Amber. Is that you?"

"Oh my gosh. You're awake. Let me I get the doctor and-"

"No," I grabbed her hand. "Please stay. I want you to stay."

She came back and snuggled up next to me. I smiled and so did she.

"You don't smell bad anymore," I laughed a little.

"You're still the same asshole even on your possible death bed," she played with my hair. "What happened to you? I was so worried."

I took a deep breath and looked at the ceiling. "You do deserve an explanation. I just wish it wasn't in a hospital," I stroked her arm.

"Then you can tell me late-"

"No. I'll tell you now. It'll make me feel better. Well, that's how my therapist tricks me into telling her my deeper inmost fears and desires."

"So you're not such a tough guy as people say you are," she placed her fingers on my chest.

Before Anyone ElseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora