3. Two Days Later

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Two days later, I went by Amber's house 3 days before school started. I promised we'd go for a picnic at the park. I resented the idea because nature and I don't get along. But she gave me her puppy dog eyes so I ended up saying yes. She screamed a little and hugged me...I didn't hug back because the was part of me that said don't fall into the trap.

What trap you may ask. The trap of falling in love with her. She already has a guy that she loves and plans to marry and all that. So I'm avoiding it. For her sake mainly. I'm also not looking for a relationship at this point.

Also, it irritates her when I don't hug her back and it also irritates me when she doesn't hug me back. It's a thing we have...but I will admit when we do actually hug...amazing. Best hugs ever.

I cycled to her front door and knocked. Answered by her dad.

"Dimitri," he said coldly.

"Hello, sir. I'm here to pick up your daughter for a picnic in the park." I said raising the picnic basket.

"AmberRose! Door!" He shouted into the house. He stayed right where he was and eyed me.

"What about that bag in your other hand?" He asked pointing at my other hand.

"Well, this is for if it gets cold fast. Like freezing," I replied swinging the bag a bit.

"Your intentions for the afternoon?" This man really sucked at small talk.

To have sex with your daughter. I thought sarcastically. What other reason? Best friends can't hang out?

"To hang out and catch up with old times," I said hesitantly.

"Do you like the park?"

"Honestly, I don't stir...sir...sorry"

"Then why the park?"

"She likes the park. I mean she talks about how you and her go on walks or relax by lakes. She likes to talk about you sir" I said.

Why am I saying sir so much?

Amber bounced towards her dad and hugged and kissed his cheek. " Bye, dad." She said squeezing him tightly.

"Let's go I said," I said turning around and walking to the side of the road. She continued to bounce along beside me.

"Does your dad hate Alex just as much as he hates me?" I asked turning to face her stopping just by the asphalt.

"Well, as of yesterday. I'm not so sure. He caught us skyping again and confiscated my laptop."

"Your life sucks. So," I said pointing out I into the horizon. "Where is this park you are forcing me to go to,"

"I never forced you. You agreed,"

"After you did those eyes you know that I can't resist. I had to say yes."

"Now you're making me feel bad."

"Okay let's go, really...I'm fine."

She looked at me with her disapproving eyes. But I just shrugged and began walking. In some direction.

She called out "The other way!"

"I knew that," I said making a u-turn and laughing and smiling to myself.

We walked for like 10 minutes before we got to the pack. But let me say, time like flys when I'm with her...it just finishes. It like feels like a minute passes by instead of an hour.

We went to a tree and I placed the mat on the floor. There were people riding their bikes and other couples hanging out as well. Then we sat down and put the picnic basket in the middle.

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