4. Day Four

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Well, four days into school I'd just brushed by Amber like she didn't exist. I knew she had her friends and I had mine. But really I was looking for was different company.

As one of the most popular people in school, it's actually kinda rare that we hang out. I don't mean popular like mean people who stomp on other people...I just hung out with everyone. I chose not to judge people by what they're into. So, it's either I'm catching up with other people or I'm preoccupied doing sport. To be honest, I think becoming her friend was a miracle.

We met the other year in December when her family moved into the town. Lucky for her, by then my siblings weren't total snobs. Well, Mark mainly. Mel is still her quirky self. 

Let's just say I saw Mel talking to her and I became interested in what they were talking about. Turned out we weren't so different. We both loved books, were strange to humankind and really we just got on well. She made me happy so to speak.

I also recall the same night when my dad kinda ruined the whole night as well. But I can tell that story another time. The main thing is, I needed my other half.

Today I made sure I went out of my way to find her where ever she was. I had missed her for most of the first few lessons but looked for her frantically through the break. Still nothing. I ended up having to wait until lunch to bother her. She actually hates it when I do that, but it's always to my amusement.

I walked into the packed cafeteria and looked for her usual table. It was Thursday which was fish and chips. I hate fish so much, so I just skip and cause chaos where I can. Still searching I finally notice her little blue side bag thing. I actually don't know what they're called. Maybe a satchel.

I walked over and watched her. Her friends looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and put my finger on my lips so Amber wouldn't notice anything. She eventually felt my presence. Either that or my shadow was over her. I choose to believe the first reason.

She looked up at me and smiled. That smile of I'm glad to see you. I saw how she was holding her cutlery and I disapproved in my head.

"We went over this last year. You can't hold your cutlery like that. Come on," I said grabbing her hands.

I showed her how to hold it. Then when she did, I put my hands on top off hers and cut a piece off and fed her. I could tell all her table mates were watching what I was doing. But who cared, we laughed our way through it.

By the time we were on her third bite, some of her friends left so I sat next to her. I let go at this point and just watched her eat. She went back to her way of holding a fork and knife but eh, I'll bother her another day about it.

Girls were passing behind us and whispering. How did she do it? Or maybe he's under some spell. He is way too good for her. At this point, she stopped eating and put her hands on her lap. I hate it when people do that. A minimal amount of people know I and Amber are best friends but the rest of the student body thinks we are dating. Which would probably never happen.

"Hey," I said stroking her cheek. "I'll send dogs to kill them. Is that okay with you?" I grinned a bit and a little smile came upon her face.

"No. It's okay. I'd feel bad for the dogs having to go through with it." She stared lifelessly at her food and then I decided that there was something else bothering her.

"Let's ditch study hall and go to our usual spot where no one can find us. You down for it?" I asked standing up and lifting our bags. Again no speech but a simple nod. 

I sighed and picked up her plate for her and disposed of it then followed her out the cafeteria.

Sneaking around the school was easy for us. In order not to get caught we basically had to use the stairway leading to the attic. There were three In the whole school. One by the principal's office, one by the janitor's closet and finally one by the gym. How they located them like this is still a mystery to me.

All of them risky, but janitor's way was the easiest. Don't ask how just know the janitor and I are friends. Mainly because I'm the only person who extremely friendly to him. He's actually not that bad a guy. He tells me his problems and I lend a listening ear and top-notch advice.

We had to walk through the hallway like we had different plans so no one grew suspicious. So she went first. I walked down the hall a bit then u turned and walked back to the door and entered.

We climbed up as quietly as we could so the people on lower floors couldn't hear us. It wasn't a long climb but you could feel the effort in your legs. 

Once we were up, we went to our spot by the window. It was the only source of light apart from the other window on the far left.

We sat down and I passed Amber her bag. I took my kindle out of my bag and she took out a hardback. I was reading Thr3e by Ted Dekker. The man is a genius. She was reading Divergent by Virginia Roth...I think that's her name.

I leaned back on the wall and then she lied down on abs. One of my hands held the kindle for me to read and the other was on her flat little tummy. 

That's how we spent the first 20 or so minutes. We just read. Every so once in a while I'd hear her take a deep breath and I take one straight after. That made her smile which made me smile too. 

"I can see him again," she said so softly I almost didn't hear her.

"Who?" I asked looking at her.

"The boy who's been following me. He's sitting in the corner watching us."

I looked at the corner and saw nothing. 

Oh right, I need to explain. Amber used to be in a mental hospital and went to a mental school before she came to my school. When I met her I thought she was perfectly fine. She told me all about how she had to keep changing schools due to suspension or expulsion. 

Everywhere she went, people always saw her as the nut job or mental. The only other people on this planet that see nothing wrong with her is her family, Alex (her "boyfriend") and now me. One of the things she struggled with was the people she used to see in her head. I actually don't understand how she can see them or hear them, but I accept that she can see them.

I guess we're partly close because she got misunderstood so much. Then I came along and accepted everything about her like any other friend. She also accepted my baggage too. But ill tell you about that later.

"Is it Rick again," I asked still looking at the corner. 

She nodded slowly and I sat up which made her sit up. She looked at me with worried eyes and I took one of her hands and held it in both of mine. 

"AmberRose, you know I can't see them, but I can feel them sometimes. But you know that I have your back. I would never let anything, whether it from your mind or in real life hurt you. Remember, you are here," I said putting her hand where my heart was. She nodded again.

"Does your family like me?" She asked innocently.

"I can lie and say yes or no, but actually I really don't know. Mel likes you that's for sure, but Mark and my cousins are still a bit of mystery to me."

I stood up and walked to one of the slanting planks of wood and reached up to grab it. The top of my boxers were showing a bit. 

She pointed at the plank. I looked at it and I saw nothing. I gestured with one hand what. She pointed at the same spot and that's when I saw it.

A big hairy spider.

I yelped to the floor and sought protection behind her back and she laughed at me. I was panicking for dear life and she stood there laughing at me. I have a severe case of arachnophobia. Spiders scare the living daylights out of me.

"Dimitri, my guardian angel," she said pointing and laughing at me. I went red with disapproval but brushed it off. 

Study hall was going to end in about another 15 minutes so we explored around the attic. My fears continued to be provoked but we found some pretty cool stuff. While Amber kept digging for more stuff, I turned around and took another selfie. Another memory.

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