5. Reasons

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Things seemed to go downhill from there between Amber and I. Yes downhill.

Well, let me explain myself before you shoot me. Well, I think you'd kill me anyway. Then Amber would hunt you down and kill you for killing me. Yes, we are that tight.

Okay. So like the next day, there was a girl. Her name was Natalie. She was like lost so, me being friendly, I showed her to class. Turns out she was in the same class as Amber. But I mean that was a one-time thing right.

But it got "worse". Let's say, she began to hang out with me and sure enough, I began to have feelings for her. I know, I know "But you weren't interested in a relationship" I'm mimicking you in an extremely high and annoying voice. And yes, I know what I said.

But, well, I don't know what happened. Well, one night we were texting each other and I admitted that I hadn't kissed many people in my life but I would most definitely kiss her. If you were in my situation you would agree. She wasn't just the average beauty. Heads would swing by as she walked by. She was like every boy's sick and twisted fantasy. But I just saw her as a girl, who needed friends.

Well, one night I did something really stupid that I think I kinda regret right now.

"So like you want me to come over," I asked over the phone. I was in the bathroom shaving the mini moustache that had grown.

"Yes!" She screamed with excitement. "You would like totally make my night."

"Would I now...but it's Sunday. Spend time with your family or something." I said.

But I was being a hypocrite. Sunday was the day I avoided my family. I actually just go to church and then stay in my room and nap. Or leave to hang out with my other friends or Amber. Tonight was Amber's night.

"Uh, no one is at home," she said playfully.

I took a deep breath. "Okay. Give me five reasons as to why I should come. If you can convince me, I'll be on my way."

She took her time. I put my phone down and put her on loudspeaker. I started to shave my sideburns as well.

"Okay. My first reason is it would make me happy. Secondly, it was my birthday two weeks ago and you didn't get me anything."

That reminded me that Amber's birthday was on Wednesday. The posters I ordered in for her and some other things arrived yesterday.

"How is that my fault? You never told me." I said.

"Shut up. Let me finish my reasons. My third reason is I'm alone and need company. Fourth reason, it would be great exercise for you to come here and the fifth..." She paused.

"What's your fifth reason? It has to be the cherry on top," I said inspecting the job I'd done on my face.

"The fifth reason is...I...might..." She said slowly.

"You might what?" I said pressing her to tell me what she had in mind.

"You're going to have to come here and find out," she said and cut the call.

I tried to call back but her phone was off. What if something happened to her? What she was just teasing me or something? I don't want to be suspect of a major crime. I could have helped.

I put on the smart shirt next to the sink and scribbled something on a sticky note. I opened my door and stick it on the outside. It read that I was having an early night and didn't feel like eating. I locked my door, put the key in my back pocket and switched off the light.

I climbed out of my window. I texted Amber that I couldn't make it tonight. I had to get some homework done. She replied with a smiley face. I felt guilty lying to her. She was already kinda jealous that I was hanging out with Natalie more than I was with her.

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