Chapter 17

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"Where's Yang?" Ruby asked anxiously the morning of the Second Task, clutching her cloak like it was her lifeline, practically standing atop the table in her anxiousness, peering around for any sign of her sister. "It's not like her to just disappear like this." She noticed someone else's abscence as well as she tried to check the rest of the Gryffindor table as well. "Uh guys, where's Hermione?" Ruby asked as she looked down at her teammates who had been quietly eating their breakfast in between taking turns of who would be comforting Ruby as she nervously, and more than a little panicked, looked for her sister and now one of her friends while the rest of team RWBY ate quietly and team JNPR looked at her concernedly.

"Uh guys?" Jaune said, sounding rather unsure, "Ruby has a point, Hermione and Yang are missing, I mean, I know Yang isn't quite a morning person, but I know for a fact Hermione is." The two members of team RWBY did look slightly puzzled now, wondering where they could possibly be.

"I'm sure they'll show up in time for the Second task's beginning Ruby, there's no need to be so anxious." Blake said stoically from her seat on the other side of Weiss, reading a book while nursing a plate of kippers.

Ruby nodded shakily as she forced herself to eat a couple of pieces of toast. "Y-yeah, they'll be fine, I'll see them before the Task begins" she said, nervously sipping a glass of water for her overly parched throat.

"You did remember to bring that rebreather, right?" Pyrrha asked concernedly from her spot next to Jaune. Ruby nodded as she picked at her food nervously once again. "It seemed far less advanced than the ones from our world, but then again, a lot of the things around here are..." she mumbled the last half of the sentence to herself as she went back to eating her breakfast.

Ruby's nervousness was tripled when the call for the champions to assemble at the lake was called out, not having seen Yang or Hermione at all that day, and going by the fact she still had Crescent Rose's comforting weight on her back, covered by her mother's cloak, and the invisibility cloak was hanging in her room, not that she had the chance to cherish it all that much (but the people in this world just seemed to automatically assume she loved her birth parents far more than anything else), and she still had her wand in it's holster on her wrist told her that perhaps they didn't mean "objects".

She was beginning to think that maybe the "thing she'd sorely miss" was a person, not a thing.

Which made her worry even more, not only for her sister, but for whoever put her underwater if her hair was messed up at all.

"The champions have all had someone dear kidnapped from them last night, and now they must rescue them from the Mer village in the Black Lake within an hour, or they may not see them again!" Ludo's voice ringing around the lake brought Ruby back to the present, and the nervousness she felt tripled as she nervously fiddled with the small breathing apparatus for her rebreather in her hands, fidgeting around in her red and black wet suit as she prepared to dive. "Three! Two! One! Go!" Ludo called out, firing a cannon blast into the air from his wand, causing Ruby to put the apparatus in her mouth, switching it on as she adjusted her goggles, diving into the murky depths of the Black Lake.

"Yang please don't be angry at me for this...take it out on something else..." Ruby thought as she switched on a small flashlight connected to one of the straps of her rebreather, making it far easier to see where she was going, she couldn't imagine going at this with only a wand like everyone else did, that would be near suicidal.

Ruby almost sliced a fellow champion as he flashed by aimlessly, his upper body transfigured into that of a shark. She inwardly sighed as she realized that she'd almost killed a competitor in blind panic, she did however, notice that she was falling far behind the transfigured shark man, causing her to pull out Crescent Rose and check to ensure her momentum rounds were loaded before aiming it behind her and pulling the trigger, propelling her forwards as quickly as she could, not wanting to risk tiring herself out with her semblance this early into the task.

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