Secret Life, Secret Magic, Secret Forbidden Love. {Chapter04}

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Chapter 4

“Come on why don’t we go sit down.” Tucker said. As I followed him to the couch I couldn’t help, but notice the tiny thread on the back of his shirt that was sticking up.

“Okay so I just have to say that I may not be very clear on my definition of a Teaecho, but that is only because it is supposed to be a father or eldest brother who explains it to someone when they come of age and sense I don’t have any siblings I might not do too well. So to explain in a way that is easiest to understand a Teaecho is someone who has magical powers, they control 1 of the 5 elements of this Earth with ease Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit. It is very rare that someone can control Spirit, but with training a person can have at least a little control over the other 4 elements. For example my main element is Fire. Here stand back.”

Tucker put his arm out in front of him with his palm facing up and made a small blue fire in his hand. He put it out right away and sat back down.

“Earth, Air, Fire and Water are easy to understand, but Spirit is a combination of all 4 other elements. There have only been 2 people who have ever been able to control Spirit, but they died because of it. What it is, is being able to open a gate to the dead, you can summon a ghost into our world for a short period of time, however they could not control the other elements. The down side of being a Teaecho is that you need more blood to survive. Our bodies can hold any type of blood so you don’t feed off humans. The way you feed is when you put a hand on something you make a tiny cut with your nail and put your palm over the cut, your body absorbs 1 pint from it then it stops. So there is no way for you to kill something unless it’s a small animal like a rabbit or cat. However feeding of another Teaecho is deadly because our blood cells die as soon as they leave our body, so bringing dead blood into yourself can cause some serious harm. I’m not sure how it is, but the word Teaecho just appears in our mind when we change. Every change is different. For example I threw up a lot when I changed and you had your head ache. But what scares me is you are the first Teaecho that I know that has changed before they are 18, it’s not supposed to happen until then, so I’m not sure if you have any powers or if your body is just enhanced. By that I mean, you should be stronger, faster, more flexible, and your senses are heightened.” Tucker stopped talking and I took a couple of minutes to let his news sink in.

“How do you know if you have powers?” I asked.

“Well you have to concentrate on an element, for example Air. Clear your mind and just think of Air and what it does, then think of what you want it to do. If it works and you are able to manipulate Air then we know that Air is your main gift. If not then just go on and try Earth Water and Fire.”

I closed my eyes and thought about Air whipping my hair around my face and all of a sudden I felt it, the wind gently making my hair fly behind my head. I looked up at Tucker with an amazingly happy face. Next I tried Water, I thought about having water in my hands and next thing I know I have an orb of water flying in my hands, I was so amazed I dropped the water on myself, but I didn’t care. Next I tried Earth, I thought about the dead plant on my coffee table coming back to life and my flowers blossomed like never before. I was so happy I started to laugh. I tried fire last and I managed to make the same blue flame that Tucker had, but as soon as I started to laugh again it went away. Tucker was staring at me like I had 8 heads.

“What?” I asked frowning a little.

“You shouldn’t have been able to do that. No one has ever been able to control all 4 elements without some kind of training. It’s just not possible.” Tucker said.

Do not try Spirit Natasha, it will kill you if you try it! Just pretend to try.

“Why don’t you try thinking about Flippers, your old bunny. If you can control all four then maybe you’re just an extremely powerful Spirit.” Tucker said. I felt really bad for lying, but I smiled happily and closed my eyes after 30 seconds I opened one eye. “Did it work?” I say Tucker frown. “No I must have been wrong, oh well that’s okay. Come here baby doll! I always knew you were special, you are just so pure. Maybe not good, but pure.” Tucker laughed and held me.

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