Secret Life, Secret Magic, Secret Forbidden Love. {Chapter02}

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Chapter 2

“Nice of you to join us.” I heard a male voice say and I turned to look and saw someone who looked to be no older than 25 years old.

“Please take a seat over there miss” He paused for a moment pointing at a seat in the middle of the classroom. I walked over to it and sat down.

“Natasha, do you know why I am here?” He asked.

“Well I would have to say it would be to teach?” I asked innocently.

“You’re right I am. Now how am I going to teach you if you don’t show up on time to my class? Do you mind telling me what was more important than getting to your first day of school on time. All my other students managed to get here on time without any troubles.” He said rather rudely. I decided that even though he was hot I did not like this teacher at all. Even though I was stuck with him.

“That’s not really any of your business now is it. You’re here to teach and me missing 5 minutes isn’t going to really make a difference now is it. How about you just do your job?” I said glaring at him.

“Detention” he said glaring at me.

“You can give it to me, but I won’t be going to it.” I said smoothly. “You and I both know this is optional so you can’t do anything to me unless I prove to be a danger to others.” I said smirking because there was nothing he could do about it.

“Let me guess mommy and daddy are making you come even though you don’t want to.” He said smirking to himself.

“My parents don’t control what I do.” I said coldly glaring at him with the scariest glare that I could master and to my amusement he actually looked a bit shocked and took a step back. I laughed to myself.

After that he got on with the class. It passed by and he would keep asking questions and I would try my best to answer them We were going over grade 9 things today for some reason even though everyone here had passed grade 9. Finally it was lunch.

“Natasha please stay behind so that I can speak to you.” The teacher whose name I later learned to be Mr. Mack.

“How may I help you?” I asked.

“I want a phone number that I can reach your parents at. I don’t think they’d appreciate the kind of behaviour that you have showed me.” He said.

“Fine” I said I took my phone out and texted Tucker telling him to pretend to be my father and that I would explain things later.

I told Mr. Mack Tuckers number and waited while he called him.

“Hello, Yes this is Mr. Mack and I would like to talk to you about Natasha.” He went on to explain what happened this morning.

“Sir this is not a laughing matter”

“Well I know but-”

“Yes sir”

His face paled. “I do see the error of my ways please forgive my imposition.” He said. I almost laughed at him, go Tucker whatever he said sure made Mr. Mack think twice.

He coughed. “So it seems I owe you an apology.” He said. I think my eyes all but fell out of their sockets.

“I’m sorry what did you just say” I asked.

“I just wanted to say I’m sorry” He said.

“No no I’m sorry I was so rude to you it wasn’t right” I said feeling guilty.

He smiled at me. “How about we start again then?” He asked.

“Yeah I would really like that” I said we said our good byes and I went to another room where we were to eat lunch.

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