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Okay, this book takes place in a world where Metallica didn't exist. It's just a normal James Hetfield :)

Also, for the flow of the story, let's just pretend that texting existed during the 80's :)


So, I'm Courtney Grey.

I'm almost twenty years old and I'm living with my twenty six year old brother..

I don't really do much, other than sit around all day and listen to music.

Music seems to lighten my mostly down mood...Sometimes.

I rolled out of the arms of the soft, warm, comforting bed. My feet hitting the cold floor.

I walked over to the dresser, putting my hands on it and looking up: staring into the mirror.

I had bags forming under my minty green eyes, I haven't been sleeping well lately. My thin, pink lips, formed into the usual frown. Why usual? I don't really know. My straight light brown hair was slightly tangled up, making me feel even more disgusted in myself. Not only my morning appearance, I'm disgusted in everything!

I opened my 'pants drawer' and pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans, I slipped them on and buttoned them.

I went to the closet to search for a shirt, I have so many band shirts- way too many!

I finally came to the one I was searching for. Deep Purple.

So, I pulled the tee shirt on over my head. I slipped a jean jacket on over it, I don't like showing my arms I guess.

I brushed out my hair, letting it stay down today.

I don't normally wear makeup, but today I decided to throw on a bit of mascara. Why not?

Finally, I pulled on a pair of white Nike and set off downstairs to find my brother.

I seen him in the kitchen, reading and drinking his morning coffee.

"Good morning, sis." He said, his eyes not even leaving his book.

"Interesting literary choice..." I smirked, tapping his book. His eyes slowly met mine, as if saying, 'don't bother me while I'm reading'

"Well, I'ma head out...May go to the record store..y' see what they got.." I shrugged, grabbing my pack of cigarettes from the counter.

Matt slowly nodded, "will you be okay by yourself?"

"Yes, Matt. I'll be okay." I rolled my eyes, he never trusts me anymore. I guess I understand why.

"Alright alright, just call me if you need anything." He sighed, leaning over to get his keys out of his pocket, "it's raining outside: may not want to walk."

"Thanks Matt, love you!" I put on a half smile, taking the keys out of his hand.

"Love you too, Court."


I ran my fingers along the records and tapes, getting a feel for 'em.

I listened to the music that, I'm guessing the owner, had playing softly in the back.

It sounded like Queen.

I finally came to a tape I've been looking for a while now, but I of course don't have any money to buy it with..

"You like Deep Purple?" I hear a low scratchy voice practically whisper.

I turned around, and when I did I thought I was gonna fall over.

He too was wearing the same Deep Purple shirt as I, along with jeans and red Nike. The smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke lingered strongly through the air now, must be a mixture of the both of us.

This guy had long wavy blonde hair, ocean blue eyes. But something seemed off with his eyes. They looked sad.

So I've come to a conclusion: his eyes are beautiful, yet sad.

I guess I'm good at telling if somebody's sad...

"Uhm y..yeah." I squeaked, I felt the heat rising into my cheeks.

Wait, what? Why am I blushing? I never blush. Like ever.

"Really? Cool." He half smiled, that was fake.

I guess I'm good at noticing fake smiles, too. Since I'm the queen of those.

"I see you're holding Misfits...that was my best friend's favorite band.." he said, his eyes slowly going to the ground. The mere mention of this best friend seemed to really trigger the sadness flooding in his eyes. What's up with this guy?

"Yeah, they're pretty cool." I nodded, forcing myself into a smile. He smiled back, making me feel...warm and fuzzy?

I've come to yet another conclusion: this guy is really cute, but something is wrong..

"I'm James Hetfield.." he threw out his hand for me to shake. I obliged and took his hand, feeling his rough calloused fingers, he must play guitar or something.

"I'm Courtney Grey.." I murmured, trying not to make eye contact but failed. He's just so...interesting.

Yeah, interesting.

"That's a very pretty name." James grinned, peaking at me through his hair.

I couldn't help but chuckle at how extremely cute that little gesture was.

"Uhm..thanks. James Hetfield, uh? That's a very handsome name." I retorted, my lips forming into a smirk.

"Why, thank you." He quietly laughed, his laugh is very cute.

"Mhm.." I hummed, a smile on my face.

So, we remained standing there for a little while. Talking mainly about music and looking through the records and tapes. Enjoying each other's company, I guess.

We both dodged any personal questions. I could tell he wanted to know more about me, and I wanted to know more about him. Something was just holding the both of us back.

"Hey, you should text me sometime." He smiled at me, holding his hand out.

So, I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and handed it to him, this is the first number I've received from a guy in years...Is he interested in me?

"Okay, well, I gotta go." He handed me my phone back, "it was nice meeting you, Courtney."

"You too, James.."

I watched him as he walked outside, walking fast to get out of the rain quicker. He pulled out of the lot and drove off.

I looked at my phone:

James: 124/789/8402 (random number)

I smiled to myself, holding my phone close to me...

[1] sad but true. james hetfield, metallica Where stories live. Discover now