{1} - Intolerant Staff and Love Advices

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A/N : Hey pretty readers out there !        Hope you do well and you may do great when you read this story. And of course I'd be way too much glad if you like this story. And kindly don't be lazy to vote down there.. It means a lot for all the writers. So grab your popcorn, pizza (the pepperoni ones ... Oooo or the barbecue ones ! ) And your drinks and here comes the 1st chapter !!

Chapter {1}


Love Reshaped


"Oh, please Riley! Don't tell me you're supporting her too!" Cassandra, one of my waitress stood near a counter talking to Riley who stood by the other side. And 5 percent of my Einstein brain told me that I was the topic.

"I seriously hate the way she bosses us around! What are we? Slaves? Well partially but come on, we have a reputation but she ruins it every minute!" Cassandra never stopped but grew angry every second.

Okay yeah, I am a bit rude when it comes to my staff not working in a proper manner, which I get to see rarely anyway. But hey ! It IS essential for them. And if I wouldn't have scolded them, give them my deadly glares or threatened to fire them, my restaurant 'Skystar' wouldn't have been where it is now. And I am really proud of it.

And then again, listening to all these remarks had actually become somewhat of a habit for me. But Cassandra was the last person I wanted to be listening all this from.

But, the best thing is that, Cassandra still hasn't noticed me coming in because of her back being faced to me, while Riley was the first one to notice me the minute I shut the door behind me swiftly.

An extremely stupid fact about me is that I start shaking my leg really hard when I stand but only when I am angry. Well, more like stamp my feet furiously on the ground. Which was exactly what I was doing.

Vibrating my legs while I stood listening to the sudden commanding and authoritative voice of this bi--

Inhale, Exhale

I quietly made my way behind her while she shook her head angrily.

"I mean the way she runs this restaurant---" And with that she turned around.

Evil laughter

She gawked at me awkwardly for 15 seconds.

"Is stupendo, fantabulously, fantastic, magorically magical !!" She chirped and finished with clapping her hands.

Okay, it'd be awkward if I asked her which TV show she heard it from, especially in a situation like this.

"Hehehe......" She let out an embarrassing but fake laugh, showed her bright teeth and looked at my hazel eyes from her blue ones.

"That's enough." I replied in a calm-cum-harsh tone. She instantly looked at the ground sheepishly, while Riley let out a small chuckle from behind the counter.

Which she stopped instantly the minute I shot daggers at her.

I glanced at my watch that read the time as 7:00, the exact time the restaurant opened everyday.

"Time to open girls." I ordered, because of which Cassandra was the first one to run like a small child on hearing an ice cream van's horn outside.

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