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RIP America y'all fucked up


"And what lead you to believe that physical harm, of any sort, could have been inflicted onto Mr Quinn on that night?" Asked the tall, intimidating man, as he circled around Vic like a predator.

"He left the party early because of a text that he got from Lynn's phone. However, a couple of hours earlier, Lynn had told us that her phone went missing," Vic replied smartly, trying to keep a straight, calm face.

"Can you confirm this, Miss Gunn?" Questioned the mighty judge, turning his attention to the formally dressed girl. Her rockstar appearance did not suit her clothes very well.

"Yes, my phone did go missing that evening. I found it the next morning on the Sleeping With Sirens tour bus."

My gaze shifted to the cameras which stood in every corner of the room, getting the best shots of what was happening. One was pointed directly at me, obviously there to catch my reactions. I had been looking down at the wooden desk in front of me for ages now. I could not bear to look up, knowing that Dahvie was sitting opposite me with an undoubtedly stupid smirk on his face.

"And what do you assume happened to the phone?"

"Dahvie stole it!" Lynn accused boldly. "That's how it ended up on Kellin's bus."

I wondered how many people were watching now. I hoped it was not a lot but, knowing how popular this story was, there would be thousands of people tuned in. I also thought about how often the my face was flashed on the TV screen, seeing me gnaw on my nails in stress.

Lynn went further into explaining about how the band members always need to leave their phones sidestage so that they don't get distracted while playing or the devices don't interrupt anything. That was certainly when Dahvie took it, I was sure of it.

Next, the lawyer went back to questioning Vic and telling him to carry on.

"Everyone was drunk when they arrived, so they probably didn't notice anything but, in the morning, Lynn told me to come over to Kellin's bus. When I got there I just saw Kellin lying on his side, looking straight ahead and not moving. He was...naked and completely covered in bruises. They were mostly around his hips and thighs though."

That last sentence made me drop my head back down and bury my face in my hands. I hoped I would not have any permanent marks from what Dahvie did.

I was quite uncomfortable with how I had to be silent while other people told their own versions of what happened to me. None of them knew the full story, only Dahvie and I did. I had already been questioned. I told them everything I could remember, shedding a tear or two while doing so. My voice had been so shaky and uneven, but they understood all I said. I obviously did not go into huge detail, but I said enough to draw out empathy in people.

After Vic was done he was asked to sit down and up came the next person. As this was broadcast on live television, the process of interrogation was quite different. Rather than having the two main people on first, then everyone else, they had one side then the other.

In other words, everyone who was with me had already spoken and now it was time for Dahvie's side, starting with the man himself. He trudged up and took Vic's place, his grin disappearing. My eyes followed his every movement, afraid of what he would do or say. I listened in, careful not to miss a word.

"Mr Vanity, where were you on the evening of 23rd June?" It was time for my Lawyer to do the questioning. I knew he was very well prepared. We basically had this in the bag, but I could not help but stress.

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