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If I get some annoying fucknuts commenting and correcting my medical information, I will be pissed. Some of my facts are definitely going to be wrong, and some are just plainly made up for the purposes of the plot, but there's a reason this is a fucking fictional book k?

This is also unedited whoops but I know you guys are desperate for an update so you're getting one lol



I awoke to the sound of a steady beeping. My head hurt so much and all I wanted to do was turn over and go back to sleep, but my curiosity got the best of me. Opening my eyes was a difficult task, but I forced myself to do it anyway. I was blinded by the brightness of the room for a while, before my vision adjusted to it.

I was greeted by whites, pale blues and murky greens. I was in a hospital.

The beeping sound turned out to be the noise of a machine which was connected to a clip on the tip of my finger. I had no idea what data the screen displayed or meant though.

The bed I was lying on was stiff and creaky, which explained the ache I felt in my spine. I was not in my clothes anymore and instead wore the loose ones provided by the hospital.

Directly in front of my bed stood three chairs, all occupied. Sitting - or rather sleeping - in them were Vic, Lynn and Nick. I smiled lightly at the sight of them snoring away, leaning against each other. It was so adorable.

I tried calling out to them, but my voice was lost in the dryness of my throat. I attempted to stand up from the bed, but my whole body was too sore for that. Well, this was boring. There was no way I was going to just lie here and wait for them to wake up!

I assessed my surroundings. On the little table beside my bed lay an empty plastic cup, my phone and a couple of sheets of paper. I could grab the phone and make my alarm go off to wake them up, but I did not want to disturb the other patients in the surrounding rooms, as I was pretty sure that these walls were basically paper thin.

There was not much help in the plastic cup. I was left with only the paper. Although they seemed to be important documents, I scrunched them up into a ball and, as best as I could with my barely-functioning arm, threw it in the direction of my friends and boyfriend.

Luckily for me, the paper ball managed to hit Lynn right on the forehead. I would say that I had good aim...if I wasn't specifically trying to hit Vic's hand. Anyway, the girl so startled by this that she basically jumped in her spot, waking up the two men who sat either side of her. She just gasped, appalled, while the boys groaned that they had been woken up. Did they really sleep for that long? How much time had I actually spent here?

Rubbing her eyes and yawning, Lynn finally looked in my direction and her face lit up from seeing me awake. She squealed so loud she probably woke up everyone who was sleeping within a kilometer radius, and basically pounced on top of me, wrapping me up in a hug.

At first I was just shocked from being tackled down, but I soon felt quite uncomfortable. It was obviously a sweet friendly gesture. To Lynn, it was not a big deal, but being pinned to a bed, no matter by who, was not something I was okay with.

Fortunately, the girl was quick to roll off and sit beside me on the bed, so I scooted over a bit. Realising that my throat was as dry as a desert, Lynn reached into her bag and retrieved a bottle of water, handing it to me. I took a long drink, before placing it down on the table and turning to the people who were now all wide awake.

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