Secret Life, Secret Magic, Secret Forbidden Love. {Chapter03}

Start from the beginning

“Okay top off.” Tucker winked at me and I couldn’t help, but blush. He learned everything he knows from his mom who is a professional so he doesn’t just rub he actually knows how to loosen a person up… not in a dirty way.

“Oh don’t be perverted.” I said laughing trying to cover up my blush as he turned away so I could take my top off.

“Admit it you love it when I’m perverted.” Tucker said. ‘YES’ I pretty much screamed in my head, but out loud I said. “Yeah yeah whatever playboy.” When Tucker heard me lay down he turned around and I could see the smirk on his face. He came and straddled my back without putting any pressure on me. He grabbed lotion and up some on my back. I gasped from the cold and tensed up.

“Sorry, sorry.” He said.

“No worries.” I said. As Tucker started to work the lotion into my skin I could already feel myself relaxing under his touch and I sighed. ‘God this feels good!’ I heard Tucker chuckle so I glanced up. “What’s so funny?” I asked.

“You. I see you every day, you’re so tense and every time a grown male tries to touch you, you flinch away and step away. Natasha I see the fear in your eyes when you’re near people you don’t know. Yet here you are I can feel you loosen under my touch. I can feel the tension in your body slip away. It makes me feel good to know how much you trust me.” Tucker said.

‘That’s because you’re one of the only men that I want.’ I thought to myself.

“How long have you been working on that one?” I asked out loud. You see the only time that Tucker says something deep like that is when he has been thinking about it for a while, he needs time to put his thoughts into words. He’s a writer so he’s pretty good at being deep the odd time.

“A couple weeks.” He said laughing. Suddenly I felt a shape almost unbearable pain in my mind. I screamed and put my hands on my head. I curled into a ball and held my head trying to keep the pieces of my skull in my head and not on the walls. I heard some awful whimpering sounds coming out of my mouth. Another round of pain kicked at my brain and it felt like someone was cutting open my brain with a butter knife. I heard myself scream out in pain. The pain seemed to go on forever. Every second felt like an hour. Finally after what seemed like days of being in pain I was finally able to remove my hands from my head. I was breathing heavily and I could feel myself rocking back and forth. I opened my eyes and I saw Tucker was holding me in his arms and rocking me. I couldn’t help but blush and look down. I blushed even harder when I realized he had put a towel around me.

“Angel Eyes?” Tucker asked.

Don’t respond just yet. Don’t say anything. Don’t tell him you can hear me. Natasha it’s me it’s Parker.

I almost gasped out loud. ‘Parker where are you are you alive can you even hear me right now?’ I asked.

I’m a spirit right now. I do not have much time, I am so sorry about the pain I caused you, but I could not help it. But onto bigger things right now. I need you to ask Tucker about Teaecho. Tell him it was just a word you heard and you wanted to know what it means. He will know what to do. I have to go now, but I will be back.

‘Wait no, Parker please don’t leave me alone again, please I’m just a little girl I need my family! Parker Please!’ I could feel my eyes start to water from the pain it caused my heart.

You are not alone you have Tucker. He will show you the way. Good bye for now Natasha. I love you.

I love you too.’

Finally I was able to actually look around me. Tucker was staring at me. Everything seemed to be brighter now, colors were more vivid, shapes were sharper.

“Hey baby doll, how you feeling?” Tucker asked.

“Perfect actually. I feel like I could run a marathon, or read a book from a mile away.” Tucker gave me a shocked look. I tilted my head and asked him “What does Teaecho mean?”

“I think you need to call Roger and tell him that you can’t watch Benji for the rest of the night.” Tucker said seriously. So that’s what I did. I called him and he called his brother to come pick up Benji, so now we’re just waiting for Benji’s uncle to show up.

I heard a knock at the door so I got up to answer it. A rather handsome man stood in front of me. He looked to be the same age as Tucker.

“Hi I’m Benjamin’s uncle.”

“Hello, Benji is just in the bathroom right now, but why don’t you come inside and wait for him.” I said.

When we were sitting in the living and Benji’s uncle spoke up. “I’m Phil by the way.” He put his hand out and I shock it. “I’m Natasha.”

“Well my brother failed to mention what a sexy nanny he has. Maybe you’d like to go out with me some time?” He asked.

“I’m not even 18 yet..” I said a little flattered.

“I’m not asking you to have sex with me, just go on a date with me. I would like to get to know the person my nephew spends almost every day with. So how about it, would you like to maybe go have dinner some night, here take my number.” Phil handed me a card with his name and number on it.

‘Well I could always try it to see what it’s like, maybe it will help me to get over Tucker.’ And just when I was about to nod to him to let him know that I would actually like to go on a date with him Tucker came out of the kitchen.

“Who are you?” He asked rudely.

“Tucker!” I snapped a little because he was being rather rude.

“I’m Phil. And let me guess the reason Natasha won’t go out with me is because you’re her boyfriend. Well I’m sorry I didn’t mean to start any trouble. You guys do make a really cute couple though.” Phil sighed.

“Oh we’re-” All of a sudden Tucker cut me off.

“Don’t worry about it.” He said smiling and next thing I know he came and sat next to me and put his arm around my waist. I knew I shouldn’t, but I couldn’t help myself. I brought myself closer to him, put an arm around him and rested my head on his shoulder. When he put his head against mine I think I almost fainted.

‘Well my dreams came true… Just not in the way I wanted. I get him as a fake boyfriend for a short period of time’ I sighed to myself. When Benji came out of the bathroom we all stood up and walked them to the door and said our good byes to them.

“So what was that about?” I asked.

“I was saving you from him. Trust me you do not want to be going on a date with someone like that.” Tucker said.

I raised an eyebrow at him, “And who should I be going on a date with then?” I asked.

Tucker looked like he was about to say something, but instead he shook his head and told me we needed to talk about Teaecho.

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