Alot of explination - Mettatons pov

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I arrived at the police station. I was guided into a small room for questioning. The cop pretty much went straight to the point. "Why did you kiddnap that young lady?" For your information, i did NOT kidnap her. (Y/N) and, her friend had chosen to go with me. "That's not what her mother said. She's a sweet old lady that we all know and, we know that she wouldnt ever lie about something like this. Especially if it's about her daughter." Well, all of you are fools then. She's not that nice old lady that you think she is. She's far from it actually. "Look buddy, were not going to give you special treatment just because, you're a celebrity alright? We're not going to believe you over someone we've know for a long time either.

You people really are blind. Do you honestly not see the abuse that goes on in that house? Did you not see anything that happened back there? What about any witnesses? Did you even bother to look for evidence before acusing me of such? "Abuse? Are you mad? I think you're mistaking punishment for abuse here. This young lady just so happens to be a fequent runaway and, getting a little punishment will hopefuly teach her a lesson and, as for any witnesses, their wasnt anyone around the area at the time. As for any evidence, we only have the phone call that called us over there."

The more i had to explain myself about the situation, the more frustrated i became. The lack of evidence they had annoyed me. That abuse has been going on for more than a decade and, not one person ever bat an eye or saw it happening? If there were ever witnesses to the abuse, did they just ignore it and, keep their mouthes shut? Nothing was ever caught on cam-.....wait a minute. Whenever i go, there is always a camera. Of course! How did i not realize this sooner?

Excuse me officer but, i may have some proof regarding the situation. "Well alright, show me the proof then," I lifted up my arm and, pressed a small switch. A small video camera appeared. "What is this?" Asked the officer. This is a video camera that i always have with me. I always have it around whenever my camera crew isnt. It may have captured everything that happened recently. I went through the footage and, it has indeed recorded it. I turned the camera over to the officer and, pressed the play button. It showed everything up untill the part i was slamed into the wall. The rest was all static.

The officer sat there with shock. "Well, i am sorry for all of this." He takes out a key and, unlocks the chaincuff off of my leg. "You are free to go. I'm going to have to drive over there immidiately. I don't think it would be wise of you to come along though. Things could be get violent like last time." Altough i wanted to go along, he was right. I could barely protect (Y/N). Her mom might murder me instantly if she ever saw me again.
I was guided back out. I stood outside of the station while watching the cop drove off.
I inhaled and, started hoping that (Y/N) was okay.

Mettaton X  Dark Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now