Chapter 15

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Third Person's POV

//a week later//

Himawari was at the library borrowing some books,She was goint to study alone.


She's not really that social and would only enjoy her leisure time in their garden.

She walked through halls full of books and finally noticed a vacant.

But what suprised her is theres a pale guy that has blonde hair sitting there too, She do not know what he is doing but she figured he was reading by the looks of it, he was holding  a book and seemed to be on focus.

She continued walking towards the vacant and finally sat next to him.

As the poor boy got startled he stared at Himawari wide-eyed.

Himawari smiled at him, her close-eyes smile that was realy similar t her mom.

"Hello Inojin-san" She said and opened the book.

Inojin smiled and nodded.

"Hello Himawari-san..." He said as he too, cotinued to which he was reading.


"Bitch really!?" Mitsuki yelled out-loud in suprise, Sarada glared at him and sushed him off, luckily there we're no students around or else they are damned.

"Bitch! Yes! But..." Sarada frowned looking down.

ChoCho noticed it--Same as Mitsuki and they both hugged her.

ChoCho ruffled Sarada's hair in a comforting manner.

"It's okay Sarada...He's one true jerk for not noticing you..." ChoCho said.

Mitsuki nodded as they parted.

"True...ChoCho is right, Boruto is an idiot...but hey! There's plenty of guys who like you!" Mitsuki winked at Sarada and Chocho nodded.

Sarada rose her eyebrows as she closed her eyes, crossing her arms she said "Tch! I'm already devoted dont expect me to act like a slut you hoe"

"Awerr c'mon bitch dont be like that!" Mitsuki laughed.

"Alright you hoes stop it! You bitches are gettin on my nerves!" ChoCho exclaimed.

All of them stared at eachother and.....

"HAHAHAHAHHA!!!" Laughed.

"Sarada you better get ready for that "meet-up" with Boruto you're telling us about" ChoCho said.

"OHH!! Im going to do make-over on you and choCho you pick her attire!" Mitsuki suggested.

"Got it!"

"H-Hey!!where are you guys taking me?!?!"


"Boruto!" Catrina exclaimed in happiness when She saw Boruto walking to her direction.

Boruto smiled as soon as he got near her.

"So...what do you want to talk about?" He asks.

Catrina blushed.

She started twiddling her fingers and looked at Boruto..

"Boruto I....." She started.

Boruto stared at her confused.


"I...Um.....I...." She stuttered.

"Please dont kill my time Catrina-san I have somebody to meet" Boruto said almost sounding annoyed.

Catrina's eyes Now that she looked closely she can see thg He is wearing something formal.

"Um....Boruto...I...." she looked down covering her eyes with her bangs, her hands slowly made its way to Boruto's shirt, clasping the soft fabric.

"Please...dont go.."

Boruto's eyes widden as he jumped in suprise.

"W-What!?" He yelled.

"I said please dont go in there!!Boruto I love you! Please...dont go....dont leave me alone..." She higged Boruto.

"You're crazy!" Boruto yelled pushing Catrina away.

"W-What...?" Catrina muttered her eyes widdening more.

"I...I dont feel the same Catrina-san! I-I already have someone....special..." Boruto yelled..but soon slowed down as he put his hand on his chest.

"Now if you dont mind! I am leaving!" He said as he turned around to leave.

Catrina stared at Boruto's back as it fades away.

"Why..." She mumured her eyes wide.

She dropped onto her knees, shaking.

"WHYYY!?!?!?!?" She yelled.


"Sarada..." Sarada jumped when she heard Boruto's voice behind her, she looked behind her and her mouth agaped when She saw how handsome her friend looks.

She realized that she has been staring the whole time and smiled.
"Uh..H-Hey Boruto..." She smiled.

"Hey....ready?" Boruto asks.


That was their first "friendly date" but will it really go friendly? Or even more?

//to be continued//

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