Chapter 7

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Third Person POV

In the Uzumaki Household:

"Onii-Chan!have you seen my phone??" Asked Himawari as she entered the livingroom.

She looked at her big brother and her eyes widden.

There he was.

With her phone.

Scrolling trough the message looking st her in a goofy frown and rose eyebrow.

"Who the hell is this Sageki??Huh? Is he your boyfriend??" He asked.

Himawari blushed scarlet red and tan to her brother in atempt to snatch it away but he stood up and put his hands in the air to prevent her from doing so.

"Onii-Chan!! Gimme!!" Himawari yelled while trying to take it.

Boruto stuck his tongue out on her "Sure!" He exclaimed.

And ran away.

"But you have to beat me first!" He yelled runing away with Himawari hot on his tracks.

In the Uchiha Household.

"Oi,Sageki Mom asked me to bring cookies to the Dobe's house,come with me please"Sarade said as she red her mothers messages.

Sageki turned away from the computer and looked at his sister.

He sighed "Fine..."

Before waking upstairs to change.

After a while they got ready to go and they both head outside.

In the Uzumaki Household..

"Onii-Chan just give me!!" Himawari yelled throwng the jar at him.

Boruto's eyes widden and moved aside making the jar hit the wall and break into pieces.

Boruto stuck his tongue out again.

"Ha! You cant!!"

And ran off again.

The livingroom was a mess.

The TV's broken,the sofas are ruined,the jars are broken and the glass furnitures are now in the floor broken into pieces.

"Give me!!"

"Hell no--"

"Were coming in!" They heard a voice yell from the front door.

They saw Sarada and Sageki enter.

They looked at them and ...

"SHANAROO!!What the hell happend here!"  Yelled Sarada as she bonked Boruto and Himawari in the head.

"I-Its not what it looks like sarada-nee chan!it was Nii-Chans fault! He took my phone and wont give it back"Himawari exclaimed putting her hands in the top of her head.

Sageki came beside her and helped her up.

"Come on.." He said before taking her to her room.

Boruto and Sarada looked at them with Poker Face.

Sarada snapped into reality and slapped Boruto's left cheek and Punched his Right cheek and Double punched his Stomach and hitting his crotch with her slender legs.

Making him cry out in pain,letting go of the phone.

"Why you do...that for!" He yelled.

Sarada balled her fist and closed her eyes..gritting her teeth.

"SHANAROO!Your supposed to be a  big brother! Yet you make your little sister suffer like that!! You should be ashamed of yourself!you should let your sister higher than you first !!" She lectures at him punching his face and throwing the cookies at his face but he caught it with one hand.

"THERES YOU COOKIES!!" She yelled before looking upstairs.

"SHANAROO!Sageki!! Lets go home!!"

In himawari's room.

Sageki squeaked and ran off to the door.

'Crap Nee-Chan is mad' he thought.

He looked back at Himawari and smiled,she blushed.

"I guess ill see you tommorow then,Ja ne!" He waved before walking out the door and going home with his mad as hell sister.




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