Chapter 10

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Boruto was strolling around the park.

Whistling nonsense.

He was out of his mind that day.

He stopped and put on his headphones playing dome music.

He saw a girl with blonde hair crying.

He stopped on his tracks looking at the girl weirdly.

'I wonder whats wrong?' He thought.

He decided he would go to that girl and ask her whats wrong.

He sat beside her.

"Hey" He said.

The girl jumped,staryled and looked at him.

She blushed.

"U-uhh...hey..." she said looking down.

Boruto grinned.

"Why are you crying?" He asked.

The girl looked down..

"My parents fought.." she muttered.

Boruto frowned.
He knew how it feels.

He took her hand,she looked at him wide eyes.

Boruto's grin got bigger.

"C'mon!lets cheer you up!" He exclaimed.

The girl smied.

"Hai.." she nodded.

They both talked strolling around the big park hand in hand.


"Sageki!im gonna walk Saki in the park for a while!" Sarada exclaimed,putting the leash around her dogs neck.


Sarada hopped in her bike her pet  in the bike basket.

She arrived at the park.

She walked in the park storllung with her pet.

Suddenly she saw Boruto.

"A great time to say sorry to himm" She muttered.

She ran to to Boruto's direction her dog on her arms.

She stopped when she saw..

Boruto laugging and smiling at the girl.

She watched there in shock.

"By the way! Im Boruto!" Boruto exclaimed extending his hand for handshake.

The girl took it and smiled.

"Im Catrina!" The gir said.

They shook their hands.

"Its nice meeting you by the way!" The gir said kissing Boruto's cheeks which made Sarada want to kill her.

She saw Boruto smile.

"Yeah! Same to you!bye!"


Sarada watched there.


She didnt knew why.

But she rememmbered dropping her basket and running away with tears in her eyes.

She didnt know why it hurt her so much.

To be continued...

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