Chapter 30

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AN: I cant believe I got to chapter 30! thank you and enjoy! I’m sorry for the long wait!! And I know mountain ash isnt like this in teenwolf but I had to change it for the story :)

Also you should check out my other Larry stories!

Edit: I've just decided that there's only one chapter left! Chapter 31 will be the last chapter (and will be as well the epilogue) but it's supposed to be a long one.


"Mr Murs?" Louis whispered unbelievingly.

"I did try to warn you." Harry muttered.


Louis' first instinctual move was to attack, to run at the kidnapper and slash open his throat. However, as he moved, he found that his plan as much more difficult than he'd anticipated it to be. The air seemed to thicken with every step he took, making it harder for his limbs to move, until he eventually came across with an invisible barrier. It prevented him to go any further, which caused an amusing grin to appear on the face of none other than mr Murs.

"Which dark witchcraft did you use this time to prevent me from killing the coward that you are?" Louis spat.

"Well Louis," he started, smile still playing around his lips, "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but this actually didn't need that much 'dark witchcraft' as you called it. Just take a look at the floor beneath your feet. I'm sure of it Blondie will know how it works." 

They all did as he told, once again noticing the black circle on the flour with Louis standing at the edge of it, just before the black line.

"Mountain ash," Perrie brought out, cursing inwardly.


"It's quite easy actually," mr Murs continued, "It forms a very handy barrier; keeps in who's in, keeps out who's out. And the only way to get rid of it is by using fire," he wiggled with an auburn coloured lighter in his hand, evil glint spoiling his eyes.

"Perrie?" Louis immediately begged, but at the look of her face, he could see his prayers were futile.

"I can't, I'm sorry. I don't have destructive powers, fire is more of a black magic and still... Only a few can summon fire, only the real powerful ones."

"So what?" Louis averted his attention back to the man, "You forgot it keeps you out too! You cannot harms us this way. You'll have to get rid of it someway and then we'll strike back! Don't forget we're stronger than you!"

Unfortunately, the lad didn't seem affected, a smirk painting his features as he started to speak again, "I knew that already, you silly boy. I also know, however, that I don't ever have to get rid of the ash to get to you filthy supernatural creatures. I know that most of you are pretty invisible, on the edge of immortal, but there's one way that will kill you all. Fire defeats everything on its way and if it starts outside, you'll still be trapped in it when it has finally reached the mountain ash. There'll be no way out." The only thing that lacked was an evil laugh, as he had just revealed his master-plan.

"You can't be serious!" Perrie cried out, "You want to burn as all alive?"

"Yes, I am," he spat back, finally got rid of his poker face, "Your kind has cold-blooded slaughtered my entire family. This wouldn't even avenge half of them."

"That wasn't us, you arsehole," Danielle shouted at the same time as Louis spoke up, "And what about Harry? He isn't even bloody supernatural!"

The man just shrugged at that, "What can I say? He's got to take one for the team."

The whole group started to spat cursing’s at him, feeling desperately scared, because that man had made them so powerless. They were about to get killed for no good reason and they couldn't do anything.

The man didn't seem affected by their words though, peaking at his watch, saying, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have-"

He didn't come further than that. He didn't get to finish his words, because someone had swung a rather big branch at his head. It came down with a loud thumb and swinging the head to the side, unconscious body soon following and falling on the ground. Blood started to trickle on the floor, tainting it a vivid shade of red.

"Niall?!" the whole group screamed, some crying tears out of relief and surprise.

"Uhm, hi," the blond brought out, laying the branch on the floor, looking daze as he averted his gaze from the body to them. A sheepish smile came up as he wiggled his fingers in a tiny wave.

"How did you get here?" Harry asked surprised.

"Uhm... Through the door? It was open?"

"Just take the lighter! Take the lighter!" Zayn started to shout out of a sudden, pointing at the auburn object that had slid a few feet from mr Murs body.

"Oh, okay."

"Quickly! We don't know how long it takes for him to gain consciousness again."

"Okay, okay," Niall was soon to pick up the lighter, holding it in his hand as he observed it, trying to figure out how it worked.

"Quickly, come over!"

"I'm coming," he hasted to the black circle made of infamous mountain ash and fell down on his knees, lighter in his trembling hands. They were trembling too much to get a flame, the lighter only making useless clicking noises.

"Come on, Nialler," Zayn pled.

"I can't function with you all watching my every move!" Niall cried out. He shook the lighter before trying again, but it didn't work. The others were silent now, eyes still fixed on the lighter.

"Yes," Niall cheered as a small flame lit up, but it disappeared almost as fast as it had come up. The group groaned.

And then, all of a sudden it worked. Niall held a proud orange flame in his hand, everyone cheering.

"Okay, now put it on fire!"

"Sure," he smiled, holding the burning object next to the ash. Almost immediately it started to spread, creating a circle of light around the group.

"Ha, I-" but further than that, Niall didn't get. A knife got planted in his leg by a crawling, but unfortunately conscious mr Murs. Almost instantly the blood started to seep from the edges, making the blond boy cry out of utter pain. His instinct to retreat his leg, made it only worse, digging the knife deeper, letting the former teacher pull harder.

Liam was the first to react, "Niall!" he screamed out, jumping on the other man, the mountain ash not able to stop him anymore as it had burned away. His sudden rage made his eyes turn into a disturbing, a very not-Liam-y shade of black. Something in his brain clicked, as he didn't think, he just acted like a beast had taken control of it.

Within a second after jumping on him, Liam had bit through the trout of the man, not even granting him a last word. It was finished in a blink of an eye, in the time of a heartbeat. Just like that, mr Murs, kidnapper, avenger, killer was gone forever.

Afterwards, Liam came back, not giving the lifeless body any look, but turned his gaze to the blond boy. Zayn was holding him in his arms, while Perrie was busy pulling the knife out and trying to stop the blood from pouring.

"Niall?" he brought out, almost a whisper. The blonde didn't hear it, he was out of this world already lost too much blood, blood that kept being drained from his body. It was actually amazing how little the smell of blood affected Liam right now. He had only eyes for the boy.

"Niall?" he whispered again, in a gently way pushing the blond fringe out of the boy's closed eyes. His pulse sounded too weak. Sound getting more quiet and beat getting more slow as seconds passed.

Had the beautiful boy just given his life for theirs?

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