Chapter Thirty-Three: Avengers Asse-

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I walked around the new Avengers facility, looking around at everything. Amazed at how we were able to restore everything. The old building looked amazing and would provide the team with more resources than ever before. Steve and I just got back after a week of pure bliss, the both of us enjoying married life. However fun it was, it was time to get back to what we do, to making a difference. 

I saw Fury and Natasha talking, I joined them. Giving Nat a hug as I walked up, she was still rigid when I first hugged her, but it didn't take long for a hug back. As small as it may be. 

"Mrs. Rogers, how are you?" she asked me, mocking formalities. I gave her a light elbow to the side, and she laughed. But it was forced and I knew there was much more on her mind. 

Fury greeted me, smiling as much as he could. There wasn't much else you could ask from him. 

"Any more news?" I asked them both, both knowing what I was referring to. I wanted to help Natasha in any way I could. 

"One of our tech boys flagged this, splashed down in the Banda Sea. Could be the Quinjet. But with Stark's stealth tech, we still can't track the damn thing," Fury informed, showing us the information he had on the small tablet. 

"Right," Natasha replied shortly, trying not to act too disappointed. 

"He probably jumped out and swam to Fiji," Fury told her. 

"He'll send you a postcard," I told her, placing my hand on her shoulder. 

"'Wish you were here.' You sent me to recruit him, way back when. Did you know then what was going to happen?" Natasha asked him. Now my own interest was peeked.

"Wait you made me go and recruit Steve with you. Did you plan that too?" I asked him, pointing a finger. 

"You never know. You hope for the best and make do with what you get. I got a great team," Fury said to the both of us. 

"Nothing lasts forever," Natasha stated, staring ahead.

"Some things do," I told her, giving her a small smile. 

I walked away from the both of them, hoping to find where Steve went. Maybe catch Thor and Tony before the two of them left. 

I walked up and Steve was talking to Tony and Thor. 

"The rules have changed," Steve said simply to Tony. 

"They always do," I added, putting myself into the conversation, as usual. 

"We're dealing with something new," Tony told us, staring over at Steve and I. 

"Well, the Vision's artificial intelligence," Steve remarked, concern on his face. I knew no matter how many foes we defeated, things would never be totally safe. The Avengers would always be needed. It was then I realized no matter what the entire world, entire universe, would continue to evolve. 

"A machine," Tony answered him back, but it clicked in my head what they were getting at. 

"Right, he's not even really a person," I told them both, as they nodded along with me. Them both agreeing  with what  I said. 

"So it doesn't count," Steve countered, I shook my head in agreement. There had to be an obvious reason as to why he was able to lift the hammer so effortlessly. 

"No. It's not like a person lifting the hammer," Tony said back to us. 

"No of course not," I agreed. 

"Right. Different rules for us," Steve continued agreeing, all of us wanting to make sure the other knew there was a reason Vision was more worthy than we were.

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