Chapter Twenty-One: A Vision

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Steve was the first one in the building and he walked quickly down to the lab where we assumed everyone was. Stark wouldn't miss the chance to examine what was in that cradle and try to right his wrongs. What he didn't know was that it could be dangerous, especially since Ultron had his dirty robot hands involved.

I searched for their brains as we walked as quickly as we could and found them, right in the lab where we though they would be. 

"They're all in the lab and something is about to go down," I told Steve quickly. 

We picked up our pace and burst through the doors, all eyes turning to us. My eyes instantly went to the crate, looking quickly over towards Tony. 

"Oh goody, you brought Smith back with you," Tony remarked, turning back to the cradle. He barely acknowledge the look I just gave him, which  I'm sure screamed panic. 

"I'm only gonna say this once," Steve said to him, ignoring the comment.

"How about 'nonce'?" Tony rebutted quickly.

"Just shut it down Tony," I told him, trying to get him to see reason for a moment. Usually it was Tony and I who were fighting but I could feel the obvious tension between the two and I really didn't want a fight. The last thing we need is a civil war.

"Nope, not gonna happen," Tony said smartly, not even thinking about it for a moment.

"You don't know what you're doing," Steve said to him, not backing down either.

"Isn't this what happened when you created Ultron?" I asked him harshly. "Fooling around with something you don't understand?"

If looks could kill Tony Stark would have just murdered me, and I saw Steve tense up even more beside me. I knew he didn't like the way Tony had just looked at me, he stepped in front of me slightly.

"And you do? She's not in your head Morgan?" Bruce asked me, gesturing towards Wanda. I scoffed at the thought, and I'm sure Wanda shot me a glare. 

"We all know how easily influenced you are agent," Tony said, still glaring at me. I felt my hands clench up beside me.

"Tony don't push me," I said through clenched teeth. I saw there was blue glowing through my hands and knew I had to calm down. I watched as Tony's eyes flashed over my hands and he tensed up, backing away a couple of feet. Smart man. 

"I know you're angry, she doesn't trust us either," Wanda spoke up before I could say or do anything else.

"Oh, we're way past that. Morgan is smart not to. But, I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade," Bruce said seriously. I watched as now Pietro stood even closer to Wanda.

"Banner, after everything that's happened.." Steve tried to say to Bruce. Trying to get some reason out of him, we didn't want a repeat of Ultron. That's exactly what I feared would happen. 

"That's nothing compared to what's coming!" Tony shouted at us. His whole stature exuded rage, and there was so much fury in his eyes. 

"You don't even know what is in there Stark!" I shouted back at him. I wouldn't back down from this, from him. No matter how many jabs he sent my way about my past.  "What if it's worse than our pal Ultron?"

"This isn't a game," Steve to him, still trying to remain calm, I was past that point.

"The creature!" Wanda said suddenly. But then there was a blue streak that danced around the room, and before I could blink everything was unplugged and Pietro was leaned against the machine with a smug expression.

"No, no. Go on. You were saying?" he said, nodding towards his sister to continue.

Then a loud noise came through and he was suddenly falling through the floor. 

"Pietro!" Wanda yelled out, instantly panicking.

"What? You didn't see that coming?" Clint asked Pietro smugly, who was still flat on his back on the ground.

"I'm re-routing the upload," Tony said quickly, reaching for the machine. I forced his hand backwards, catching him off guard. He sent me a glare and then Steve took action. 

Steve threw his shield around the room, I watched as Tony instantly called his Iron Man armor to his hand. I jumped in front of the blast, which sent both Steve and I backwards as I was launched into him.

I forced Steve's shield back at him as he punched Tony, I sent one of the blue blasts his way. If Tony was gonna fight dirty, so was I. Even if I couldn't control the powers. The impact of both Steve and I's blasts combined sent Tony flying backwards.

But as we sent our blasts he sent two of his own at us. Steve and I went flying into two different directions. As soon as I hit the ground I leapt to my feet, not wanting to stay down. I made eye contact with Steve, and teleported beside him.

I watched as Wanda sent a wave through herself and got Bruce to let go of her. I was about to intervene, even if I didn't agree with Tony I wouldn't let this girl hurt Banner.

Then before anyone else could throw any punches, Thor came flying in. He landed on the cradle and summoned lightning. I clung onto Steve's arm as we watched helplessly. 

"What is he doing?" I shouted over the loud thunder that followed.

"Hopefully something helpful," Steve replied, sounding defeated.

Then with the lightning he summoned, Thor struck it down onto the cradle. A huge blast sent us all backwards. Steve had a tight grip on me and we were both back on our feet in an instant. A man, at least I think it was a man, leapt out of the cradle. It had a red body, and flew towards Thor, who tossed him over his head.

Steve basically threw himself in front of me, a protective arm throwing itself around me.

I pushed myself past Steve, who followed closely behind me, to make my way towards where the man went. The entire team followed behind us.

"I'm sorry, that was odd.." the man talked to us, floating in the air. His voice sounded exactly like Jarvis'. He then turned towards Thor. "Thank you."

Steve was beside me in an instant. Still lingering closely, ready to jump in front of me. Even though I didn't need his protection, it felt nice to know he would do so anyways.

"Thor you helped create this?" Steve asked Thor, sounding as confused as I felt. I knew we would have to deal with Tony messing around with the cradle, but Thor?

None of this made sense. Would it ever? 

~Okay thank you to everyone who left a comment on the last chapter letting me know what they thought! kytrenclara1414XXcinderellaXX0515May182004RCB1602Haleb1234alwaysxsammy, THANK YOU to each and everyone one of you! You have all inspired me to.... WRITE A FOURTH BOOK!! More info in the next chapter!

So please leave a vote or comment letting me know how you liked this chapter!~

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