Chapter Twenty-Eight: Thin Air

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The air was tense all around us, I don't know if it was the pressure of getting everyone safe, or just the air pressure in general. It was starting to get hard to breathe, I know the citizens were going to start feeling the affects very soon.

"We gotta move out. Even I can tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats, that includes you Morgan. I'll sweep for stragglers, be right behind you," Steve instructed us. His Captain America side coming out.

"Not without me," I told him sternly, not asking for an objections. I watched as he gave me a look, I knew he would rather have me safe and sound on one of those boats. But that wasn't who I was, I would save these people if it were the last thing I do. I needed to right my own wrongs, wipe out the mistakes Hydra left for me.

Before Steve could object, Clint spoke up. His eyes scanning between all of us.

"What about the core?" he asked, he was full of worry.

"I'll protect it. It's my job," Wanda told us, her mind was obviously already made up. She didn't look like she was moving anytime soon.

"Nat, let's go," Clint said, both of them looking at me before they left.

"Be safe Smith," Nat told me, her eyes telling me everything I needed to know. I nodded in her direction, not wanting to speak. I didn't want anything to come out as a goodbye. But, I knew what I would need to do later. Tony had sent me a brain message, something he had never done before. But he needed my help and I would help him, help the world.

The two of them ran off. Leaving only Steve, Wanda, Pietro, and I. We all looked around each other. I knew Steve and I needed to leave as soon as possible. We were all quickly running out of time.

"You can do this," I said to Wanda, grabbing her hand. Her eyes widened, surprised by my action. I was surprised myself, but I saw a good glimpse of who she really was.

"Thank you," she told me, her eyes locking onto mine.

Steve and I jogged off, not wanting to waste another moment. I could feel the tension between him and I at the moment. I knew he wasn't happy with my choice not to go straight to a life boat. Too bad he didn't know my plans with Tony. I wasn't sure how I was going to break the news to him. If there was even a good way to do so. He had no idea about the brief and serious brain message Tony had sent me. One of his firsts. 

"Till death do us part remember," I reminded him, before the two of us walked off. Walking around the mostly abandoned Sokovia. I saw him flinch at the word death, maybe not the right choice of words at the moment. 

"I don't want anything bad happening, I would never forgive myself," Steve told me. His worry was written clearly all over his face.

"Did you forget who you were marrying? I won't go down without a fight. Plus I would never forgive myself if something happened to you.There's no way I'd let you out of my sight right now," I told him. My eyes scanning for civilians. I didn't want a single one to get left behind. Even though I knew I would have to leave him soon. Much sooner than he knew. 

There was already going to be so much damage, if we could get it as minimum as possible, well that would be a success.

"Listen Steve, there's something I need to tell you about," I started, his attention instantly turning towards me.

Before I could get out what I needed, Tony flew up in his Iron Man suit.

"Ready Smith?" he asked me, not sensing what he interrupted.

"Yeah one moment," I told him, holding my hand up. Steve's face was full of confusion and worry. I watched as he was trying to piece together what was happening. There was a slight flash of betrayal in his eyes. 

"Tony needs my help up there. While they explode the core, I need to use my powers to force together the impact so there is less destruction on the land and more on the core. As soon as the core is destroyed I am teleporting right beside you Steve," I told him, my hands gripping onto his. I watched as his eyes searched mine for a moment, before he nodded in understanding. He knew I needed to do this, not only for everyone, but myself. I needed to show that I was just as deserving to be on this team as anyone. 

"Tony you better get her back in one piece," Steve threatened. His forehead creased with anxiety. 

"I wouldn't dream otherwise. Smith here is like the annoying sister I never asked for," Tony replied. 

Steve grabbed my face in both of his hands. His blue eyes staring into my own.

"Come back to me okay?" he asked me, before kissing me with all he had. I wrapped my arms around his neck, not ever wanting to let go. My hands were tangled in his blonde hair, temporarily forgetting where we were. Forgetting who were with. 

"Don't mind me or the world falling apart," Tony said quickly, clearing his throat as he did so. I knew if we survived this we would't ever hear the end of it. 

Steve and I pulled apart, Tony grabbing me and slinging me onto his back.

"Hold on tight princess," Tony said before rocketing off into the sky. I grabbed on as tight as I could, not looking down. If I didn't look down, I would be okay.

"You know what to do Smith," Tony said into our earpiece.

"Yeah Stark, I got this," I told him. My voice was low and serious. I knew there wasn't much room for mistakes. It was like the entire world was depending on us, on me. I didn't want to disappoint. No matter how big or small my part was in all of this, it counted. It could mean the difference between survival or death. 

But if there was something Hydra had taught me, it was that I was a survivor. 

~~A/N Thank you all for being so patient! I know it has been a little longer than usual for an update but I have been super busy with school! Honestly it has left me drained creatively, but I was able to pull this together and I hope you all enjoy it.  I know I love this book so much, so I can't wait for everyone to see the end result. 

Please let me know what you thought with a vote or comment. I love seeing everyone's thoughts. They are the best! Plus it motivates me to do even better :)~~

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