Chapter Seventeen: Truth Be Told

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"I'll take Natasha, Clint, and Morgan," Steve said, already planning our attacks. He was ready to get this finished, and I couldn't blame him.

"We need Morgan with us," Tony said, arguing. I gave him a strange look, not sure what he meant.

"I didn't know you cared so much Stark," I said sarcastically, but trying to get an answer out of him.

"As much as I hate to admit this, you're powerful and I think we need you elsewhere right now," Tony explained, glancing at Steve.

"Oh now you can trust me Stark?" I asked him, narrowing my eyes. I wasn't going to just forget about what he said earlier.

"It isn't about who I trust right now! It's about how we can take down Ultron!" Tony shouted, stepping closer.

"Yeah the thing you brought into all of our lives!" I shouted back. "Do you think I want to put my life into your hands Tony?"

I could feel the anger getting the better of me, once again. My hand were shaking and before I knew it everything in the entire room was levitating around us.

"Morgan-" Tony started, looking all around us. I took a deep breathe and calmed myself, everything floated back down to where it was supposed to be.

"Sorry, but I'm sticking with Steve," I muttered before turning my back on everyone.

They saw me loose control, and that wasn't even the worst of what could of happened. The worse that happened, something I couldn't believe I allowed.

"What was that about Steve?" I heard Natasha whisper to Steve. Her voice was full of concern, but I wasn't sure if I was ready for them all to know. Not yet, not after they were all seeming to get over my Hydra mind control.

Even though no-one outright said it, I knew they were scared of my darker side. My past side.

"She uh, has discovered some new parts of her abilities, and is rocky on some of the old ones," he said back to her, loud enough for the entire team to hear.

I turned around to see everyone's eyes were on me. I could feel my face heat up, not wanting all of this attention. Not only was it on me, but it was about things I didn't quite understand myself.

"Well you heard what he said, I'm not in control of everything right now. So go ahead and do what you've all wanted since I got back from Washington. Kick me off the team," I said, staring hard at all of them. My fists were clenched at my side as I waited for what they all had to say. I knew Tony would be all for it.

"No one wants you off the team," Bruce said, his voice calm and truthful.

"Why? What good am I? I have all this shit happening to me, I freaking almost killed Steve because of Hydra! What good am I?" I screamed, frustration getting the better of me.

Then I blast shot out of my hand, it was the color of sapphires and it left a hole in the hard wood floors.

I could feel a blush creep onto my cheeks as I realized what had just happened was my fault.

"I-I'm sorry," I muttered, running out of the house as fast as I could.

This wasn't where I needed to be right now. I teleported as far as I could see, I stranded myself way out into one of the many fields. I fell to the ground, wrapping my arms around my knees. I buried my face into my arms, letting out all of the feelings I've had since all of this new information has plagued my mind.

What was I going to do? Maybe Tony has been right this entire time, maybe I couldn't be trusted.

"Morgan!" I heard Steve's voice call, his shouts sounding desperate.

Then I heard a woman's voice, Natasha scream out my name as well. After awhile there were several voices screaming my name, the entire team was out there. Including Tony.

"C'mon on drama queen," I heard Tony yell. "You're as much part of this screwed up team as the rest of us."

I teleported over by Steve, he jumped as I appeared.

"Jesus, don't do that to me," Steve said, pulling me into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry, I needed to think," I said to him, squeezing him tightly.

"I know, it's okay," Steve assured me, kissing my forehead.

The entire team heard us talking and gathered around us.

"Sorry, I freaked out," I told them all, apologizing over and over again.

"We understand," Natasha assured me, grabbing my hand and giving it a squeeze. I gave her a grateful smile, feeling much better to know I really had some true friends.

"So what was that ?" Tony asked, getting to the point.

"Tony-" Steve started, but I held up my hand.

"It's okay.  I don't really know what it is. I saw it happen one other time, almost two months ago. Steve and I were on a mission, I got angry, we were in a Hydra base and some memories popped up. My uh, anger got the better of me and I basically blew up the entire base with this blue energy," I explained to them the best I could.

I watched as they swallowed the information, taking in what I just said.

"So is that the new power you discovered?" Bruce asked me.

"Yes, but everything I already knew is much stronger than I thought. I can teleport more than just me now. I also can read people's mind from a much greater distance now and I can pick up and force huge objects," I told them all, trying to tell them what I knew. All of it, I didn't want anything to be hidden.

"Well Morgan, that's nothing to be ashamed of. We will all help you work on it, and the Hydra base, well it wasn't filled with innocents," Natasha said to me, trying to comfort me.

"But-" I tried to say something.

"But nothing you belong on this team like the rest of us," Steve spoke up.

"You really do," Clint said, speaking up for the first time during all of this.

I took a deep breathe, realizing I should have been upfront all along. These people weren't just my team, but my family.

And we had a mission to get done.

"Let's take this bastard down," I told them all seriously.

"Now that's the Morgan we know and love," Natasha said, smirking at me.

"I'm back and I'm staying," I said confidently.

Everyone let out a cheer, and we headed back into the house.

Time for a game plan.

~A/N alright everyone we got to five likes (we even got to eight) so here is the new chapter I promised! Thank you all so much for the support. If it wasn't for all of you this book would've never been possible. I would've lost my faith in it!
So as always please leave a vote or comment if you enjoyed.~

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