Chapter Fourteen: Personal

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"Gentlemen, Morgan, this is Laura," Clint introduced. I gave her a faint smile, not wanting to take out my anger on her. But Clint lied to me about all of this, seeing it in person I felt even more stupid than I did when I found out a few months ago. He didn't even tell me. I had to find out on my own, granted, I was snooping and happened to catch him.

"I know all your names," she said with a smile. Everyone looked around awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

"Did you know about this?" Steve sent me in a brain message. I could feel the confusion in the question.

"I'll explain later," I answered him back shortly. I didn't even quite know what to say myself. 

Then before Steve could ask anymore questions two kids came running into the room.

"Dad!" they both yelled as the tackled him in a hug. He hugged them both, smiling from ear to ear.

"Hey buddy! How're you guys doing?" he asked them as he picked up his daughter, ruffling his sons hair. The rest of us watched in awkward silence.

"These are smaller agents?" Thor asked, his voice full of confusion.

"Look at your face! Oh my goodness," Clint exclaimed, too excited about rejoining his family. I tried to hide the grimace from my face. I could feel Steve's eyes on me the entire time. 

"Did you bring Auntie Nat?" the little girl asked.

"Auntie Nat?" I repeated, so low only Steve heard me. He reached over silently and grabbed my hand, connecting the dots on everything. I almost spit out the words when I said them. 

"Why don't you hug her and find out?" Natasha said in a funny voice, rushing over and engulfing them in hugs. I watched in even more confusion as they all group hugged. I almost choked on my own spit. 

"Sorry for barging in on you," Steve said politely, still tightly holding onto my hand. I knew I was squeezing harder and harder at all of this new information. 

"Yeah, we would have called ahead, but we were busy having no idea you existed," Tony said to Laura.

"No kidding," I said, once again muttering. Tony sent me a confused look, before he realized too that I had no idea about this.

"Yeah, well Fury helped me set this up when I joined. He kept it off SHIELD's files, I'd like to keep it that way. I figure it's a good place to lay low," Clint informed.

"How's little Natasha?" Nat asked as she walked over to Laura, holding her swollen stomach.

"Little Natasha?" I asked, completely exasperated. That was the last straw. I turned on my heels and walked out of the front door, letting it slam behind me. No doubt causing a slight scene, but at this point that didn't matter to me. 

I heard thundering footsteps behind me, they had to be Thor's. Then another pair could be heard after him.

"Thor, what's going on?" Steve asked him, sending me a glance. I met his eyes for a moment before sending my attention on Thor.

"I saw something in that dream. I need answers, I won't find them here," Thor said solemnly before flying out of our sights.

"What happened in there?" Steve asked, pulling me towards the porch. There was a small swing off to the side and we both sat down.

"This is what I found out a couple of months ago. I didn't mean to see it, but I did," I told Steve, glancing down at my feet.

"Did you read his mind?" Steve asked me calmly.

"I did, I didn't mean to but it just happened. I got too curious, he was hiding things and starting to act weird. I needed to know, and I regret snooping but, but he lied to me Steve," I said, feeling all the emotions rush back to me. "He lied to me about this whole life. I thought he and I were close, I thought he was like a brother. When I first found out, I was furious and that's why things between him and I have been rocky. But now that I know Natasha has known this whole time, that only makes it sting even worse."

Steve wrapped me up in a hug, while I buried my face into his chest. Feeling betrayed by Clint, knowing he could have told me but felt like he couldn't. That hurt, a lot.

"It'll be okay all right? Maybe he had a reason," Steve told me, while stroking my hair.

"I hope it's a good one, otherwise I don't know how I can look at him the same," I muttered, feeling the anger over what has happened wash over me. The swing started shaking and I could feel my powers getting away from me.

"Come on, let's go to our room and get cleaned up yeah?" Steve said trying to relax me, holding out his hand for me to take. I took it gratefully, letting out a deep breathe, and he lead me towards the room where he and I would be staying. There was a small bathroom that was joined to the room. After we had both taken a shower, and were getting dressed I decided to address what he had seen. He has always been there for me and my problems, and now I needed to be there for his.

"So are you ready to tell me what you saw?" I asked him cautiously, knowing how hard it could be to open up about these things.

He walked over and sat down on the bed, his legs hanging over the edge. I came over and placed myself in his lap, rubbing his back. I wanted him to know I was there for him.

"It was you and the war, it was awful," Steve said simply, not making eye contact with me.

"What did you see?" I asked him, wanting to know more.

"It would be easier for me if you just saw it. I don't want to explain it, it was awful. Just take a peak," he told me, still not looking into my eyes.

I lifted his head, making him look at me. "I'm here no matter what you saw okay?"

He shook his head, and then gave me a nod to take a look inside his mind.

"Are you sure? This is personal Steve," I told him, wanting to make sure he wanted me to see and know how he felt.

"I know, and that's why I want to show you," he said, before placing my hands on the side of his face. I let out a shaky breathe and peered inside his mind.

I watched as the scene unraveled, everything happening in front of me, as if I were there. I saw myself in a beautiful gown, and reaching out my hand for Steve. But that's when I watched everything turn in a bad direction.

I watched as I had gunshots and blood all over my body, and I could feel the helplessness Steve had felt during his nightmare. I watched in horror as everything happened in a quick moment, letting out a gasp as I let go of Steve's face and came back to reality.

"Steve," I said in a deep breathe. "I can't believe you saw that all of that. Don't worry I'm here, that won't happen okay?"

"It felt so real Morgan," he said as he grabbed me in another hug, I could feel myself breaking on the inside. I never knew until this moment how much it would crush the both of us to lose the other.

"It'll be okay," I told him, over and over again as I stroked his hair.

"Promise?" he asked me.

"I promise. You and me until the end Steve."

~A/n Please let me know how you liked this chapter. I am not sure why, but I am super proud of this one. I would love to know what you guys think. As always if you liked it please leave a vote or comment!~

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