Chapter Twenty: Trusting Isn't So Easy

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---Please read authors note at the bottom!----

We were running out of time, there
were too many variables.

"Civilians in our path," Steve said clearly to Pietro, who took off in a flash. A blue streak running around the train, moving everyone before they runaway train could take them down.

"Can you two stop this thing?" Steve asked Wanda and I.

Her and I exchanged a look. We nodded at one another, an understanding passing between us.

I teleported as far out as I could in from of the train, forcing it backwards as hard as I could. Then I saw the traces of her powers flowing under the train, stopping the wheels.

I pushed against the strain in my head as the power was draining out of me. I felt liquid drop down my nose as the train continued coming straight for me.

"Move Morgan!" Steve's voice echoed in my head through a brain message.

I didn't move, I would stop this train no matter what.

Both of our powers coursing together, was slowing the train. Then it stopped itself just inches from my face. I dropped my hands, and almost fell down.

Steve was by my side in an instant, wrapping his arms around me.

"Why didn't you move?" he asked me frantically, running his hands all over me, making sure I was okay.

"I wanted to be helpful," I said with a light chuckle, wiping away the blood from my nose.

"Are you alright?" Pietro asked hesitantly.

"I'm fine, thanks," I said honestly. Steve and I pulled apart, becoming aware of the company around us.

"Are you two alright?" I asked them, still slightly glaring at the pair. Just because they helped doesn't mean they would have my trust.

"I'm fine. I just need to take a minute," Pietro said, accent thick. He was slightly bent over obviously trying to catch his breathe, Wanda was standing warily beside him. I could feel her stare on me the entire time.

I went inside her mind for a moment, I never promised her I wouldn't go insider her mind. I saw the exchange that had happened between them and Ultron, realizing they had never wanted the same thing as him.

"I'm very tempted not to give you one," Steve replied shortly to Pietro, not sensing the exchanged between Wanda and I, whose eyes were now boring into my own. She could feel my presence and was trying to shut me out, but I had seen what I needed to.

"Now that you went through everything are you satisfied?" she asked me sharply. I saw Steve's attention turn to me.

"Maybe, but there is still a lot I didn't go through? Shall I have another peak?" I asked her, threatening her. I watched as Pietro protectively stood in front of her as her glare never faltered. Neither did mine.

Steve stood slightly in front of me now, "now isn't the time for this."

"The cradle, did you get it?" Wanda asked him, taking her eyes off of me for the first time since we stopped the train. Pietro relaxed a little, dropping the arm he had held up in front of his sister.

"Stark will take care of it," Steve informed them.

"No he won't," Wanda shot back at him.

"What do you know?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow.

"You don't know what you're talking about, Stark's not crazy," Steve told them both. I let out a cough at the crazy part but Steve sent me a look that told me I wasn't helping.

"Stark, come in. Stark. Anyone on comms?" Steve asked into the earpiece. There wasn't a response from anyone. "Morgan, can you reach anyone's mind?"

I nodded as I scanned as far as I could, reaching over several minds. It was hard to focus with the three present people around me, their thoughts buzzing around in the background as I reached out for the rest of the team.

"They must be too far away, I'm not getting anything," I told him.

"Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that?" Wanda asked us.

Steve and I exchanged a look, both on the same page. She wasn't necessarily wrong.

"We need to get back to the ship,"I told everyone, already walking away. "Everyone is probably already back at the tower."

Steve followed behind me, catching up to me. We were now walking side by side with the wonder twins behind us.

"Do you think she has a point?" I whispered to Steve, trying to keep my voice low.

"I think there is something to be said about where Ultron got all of these ideas. But, I don't think we should go in pointing fingers," Steve said, trying to reason.

I nodded my head in agreement and the four of us were back at the ship quickly. Steve flew us back and the entire ride there was a tension between everyone.

"So that nightmare thing you did on everyone, want to explain to me why?" I asked Wanda, staring her down. I was still upset that anyone would want to do that to a person, especially a certain soldier.

"It was what I thought was right at the time," she said timidly, staring at the ground. Not exactly the reaction I was thinking was going to happen.

"Well you know it caused my team a lot of damage," I told her, my voice still cold.

"Morgan-" Steve started but before he could try to talk me down he was interrupted.

"We are sorry, but we thought we should stop Stark and anyone who helped him," Pietro said to me, his tone seemed sincere as his eyes kept contact with mine. "We aren't exactly his biggest fans."

"Neither am I but that doesn't mean I would wish for him to live out his worst nightmare," I said stubbornly, crossing my arms and turning away from the conversation.

"Maybe you should give them a chance, they did the right thing in the end Mo," Steve said softly, panting my knee with his hand.

"You're probably right, but I am keeping a close eye on them," I told him.

"I know you will," he said with a chuckle, before touching down at the Stark tower.

Then before we knew it, all hell broke loose.

-A/N hey everyone thank you so much for reading this far and I hope you have been enjoying it. I have for sure loves writing it! Please as always leave a vote or comment if you liked the chapter!
Okay so now on to the real question of today! This story is getting closer to the end, don't worry there are still several chapters but it's making its way there. Would anyone be interested in a fourth instillment set during Civil War?
Please please give me feedback on this! I truly want to know what you guys think! You do it in form of a comment or you can always message me!
And if you comment and tell me what you think I'll make sure to follow you and shout you out in the next chapter for your support!-

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