The Soul of Light

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"W-W-Whatever. Your still just a kid! I'm the best of the best! Your a 14 year old kid!" Blackout said. "Sure y-y-you may have powers, armour, and weapons, but you don't know how to use th-" he was interrupted by me snapping my fingers. Time froze. I walked behind him and unfroze time. "-em!" He continued. I slashed him in the back. He stumbled forward. He spun on his heels and took a swipe. With lightning fast reflexes I blocked it over my shoulder. I seemed to have made up my own fighting style because the next thing was definitely not a sword move. I roundhouse kicked Blackout. "Oof!" He said when it made contact with him. He was momentarily disoriented so I seized the opportunity. I turned to the others. "Quickly! Open the portal back up! I won't be able to hold him off for ever!" Blackout had refocused. "DIE!!!" He yelled angrily as he swung for my head. I caught the blade with my own two. "AAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!" He yelled as he kept putting more force in. We both broke free of the lock. I stood in a stance that I seemed to have come up with myself. It felt powerful. I smiled at Blackout. I was very much enjoying seeing this killer suffer. He on the other hand did not look to thrilled. More like completely pissed off at this point. He dropped his sword. "That's it..." He stood in a stance that reminded me of the kamehameha stance from Dragon ball. What was scary is that it appeared to actually be working. A ball of dark purple energy formed between his hands. And it did NOT look friendly. "Uh...guys? How's that portal coming?" I asked behind me.
"Working on it!" Said Matthew as him and Alex were trying to reopen it.
I was scared now. He would be ready with this attack soon. I could tell. I could feel the evil in the room. All the happiness and good was now being drained. I knew what I needed to do. If I did it at least the others would make it. I put myself in between Blackout and my friends. I spread my arms out and closed my eyes. Blackout released his attack. A beam of dark energy came towards me. I braced for impact. That's when he took over. 'NOW!' A voice said. I opened my eyes quickly. I held out my hands in front of me. In a swift movement, I put my palms together almost as if I was praying. A golden light appeared in front of me. It grew into a circular wall. The dark purple beam hit it and was dispersed around the shield. I watched around me as the purple energy cascaded around me, forming a sort of tunnel. I drew one of my swords. I did a swift "zig-zag" movement. The beam dispersed as if my blade had cut through it. "Go to hell." I said. My voice sounded like it was in sync with someone else's. I looked behind me. I saw someone with there arms crossed in golden armour and helmet that looked exactly like what I was wearing. He had a determined look on his face. The figure seemed transparent like a ghost. I wondered who this man was. I looked at my reflection with my sword's well polished blade. I noticed that my eyes were two different colours. One golden and one blue. Both were glowing. Blackout yelled in anger. He spun around and flung a ball of energy at me. I caught it and spun it into the ground. He threw two more. I sliced both of them in half. He prepared to shoot another beam. I copied his movements. A blue and golden ball of light formed in my hands. I pushed forward my hands as he did. The beams clashed. Mine out shone his and pushed his beam away. "THE PORTAL IS READY!" Alex yelled behind me over the chaos. "THEN GO! I'LL CATCH UP!" I yelled back. They all went through the portal. With a final push I stopped Blackout's attack. My beam hit him. I moved backwards into the portal, shooting him a rather rude gesture on the way through. "See ya Midnight Ass!" I said as I fell back into the portal.

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