The hall of Draco

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"The hall of whatnow?" I asked. Taylor cut in front of me. "Do you rent rooms?" She said to the young man who approached us. He was dressed in green and golden robes. It didn't fit very well with his name tag that said: HELLO! MY NAME IS QUIET THE FUCK DOWN AND LET ME READ!
"Nice name tag." He laughed. "It's from my friends. It's actually a pin. No, sorry we don't rent rooms for travellers. Sorry." He bowed apologetically. "Although I would love to live here too. Favourite place in Draco city this place is. That's why I work here." I looked confused. "Uh...and what country is that in exactly?" The librarian answered this as if it wasn't an odd question. "Orbis sir. And before you ask, yes. You are on a different planet. This is not earth. You are now on Temporis. A place where time doesn't pass. Kinda like Neverland without the pirates. We do have fairies though! And sometimes the occasional flying child." I took this in. "Wow Mr.QUIET THE FUCK DOWN...way to ease me into it..." The portal shot out the cube and then closed. It was flying towards my head but then I caught it right before it hit me. Apparently I had good reflexes now too. I thought that would be very much useful. "Nice catch. My name is actually Dan. So...I'm assuming your coming from eart-" his eyes widened when he noticed what I was holding. "Oh. My. Gods." I shook my head. 'Did he just say "Gods"? As in the plural?' I thought. "You must come with me immediately!" He said suddenly. "The head librarian must see this. Now! Come! Let us go to head librarian Cogitari!" We followed Dan through the hall. Luckily we were closer to the room than I thought. I'm glad that we didn't have to walk all the way down the other end. We stopped at a huge door. It was dark green and surrounded by a arch made out of golden bricks. I noticed the doors made the same symbol that was on the cube. The one with the lightning bolt. The cube seemed to recognized that I was holding it because that symbol was the brightest at the moment. Dan pushed the huge doors open. We were brought into a new room. It was also amazing. A bright green carpet sprawled across the stone brick floor. The walls were lined with bookshelves. Books were magically floating from place to place. At the end of the room there was a throne. It's occupant was surrounded by towers of books. "Cogitari! Drop everything! I've found them!" The man who who I now knew was Cogitari looked up from a book. "Oh. Good evening Daniel." He said calmly. "How is your day going? I see you've made some friends. Good for you!" Dan shook his head. "Sir! Maybe you did not understand. I've found them, sir!" Cogitari looked confused. "Found who?" He asked. Dan face palmed. "The Guardians, sir. The Gods have returned!" All the floating books dropped out of the air. "Oh my..." Cogitari said shocked. "This is so sudden. I expected the return to occur soon but I didn't realize that it would be this soon..." I raised my hand. Cogitari pointed at me. "Yes?"
"Um...hi...I'm uh...Logan...and..." I felt really awkward. I couldn't believe I was talking to an alien. "I'm really confused right now. So...if you could like...maybe explain what the living hell is happening right now that would be nice." I shrugged. "Just saying."
"Mm...yes." Cogitari nodded. "I believe that is something that should indeed be done." He flicked his left hand up in the air. Six more thrones rose out of the ground in a horseshoe shape. "Daniel. Thank you. You may now leave us." Daniel bowed politely. "It was very nice to meet all of you." He left the room.
"Please, do sit down children. As I tell you a story. A story of six beings. 5 beings that shaped the universe. 1 that almost destroyed it."

Justice United Book One:The Power of the GodsWhere stories live. Discover now