I almost get my neck broken by an abandoned smoothie

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I sat up in my bed quickly, screaming loudly for several minutes before I realized that I was safe in my room. I looked towards my bedroom door and saw my sister standing there in disbelief. Then she doubled over laughing. My face turned red. I threw a pillow at her but seeing as how I had just woken up it was a rather lazy throw and it missed. "Time to get up!" She said still giggling madly, "Your gonna miss your bus!" She walked out laughing as she imitated my scream. I sighed deeply. 'Just a dream.' I thought. 'She's not gonna let me forget that is she?' I slowly got out of bed. I quickly got dressed and ate and bolted it down the street to my bus. Something odd happened then. I was able to run faster and for longer than usual. Usually I burn my self out to quickly when I run, but for some reason I wasn't feeling any fatigue whatsoever. I didn't think much of it though. I just barely made it onto the bus and plopped down in the seat that my friend Matthew had saved for me. Matthew was my age but you wouldn't be able to tell. At first glance he looks like he'd be at least 15 or 16 years old, but he was really only 14. "How come you almost missed the bus?" He said in his somewhat monotone voice. I smiled. "I got attacked by a team of highly trained space ninjas. Barely made it out with my life." I said in a 'as-a-matter-of-factly' voice. Matthew rolled his eyes. "So I'm guessing you slept in then?" Matthew said. He'd gotten used to my sarcasm overtime. I laughed. "See? Your learning!" The bus pulled into the bus lane at the high school. It was a moderately nice high school. It was pretty old but didn't show it too much. It had an observatory and a huge track. It was made out of yellow and beige bricks. I got off the bus and made my way through the side door. I always avoid the front doors because that's where most people go in and I didn't really fancy being trampled. Now this is when it gets really screwed up so just bear with me. I ran up the stairs but what I didn't see was a spilt drink. I slipped on it on my way up and, certain that I was about to fall down the stairs and possibly break my neck, I braced for impact and closed my eyes. But the impact never came. I slowly opened my eyes a bit to see that I was facing towards the ceiling. I looked around me and my eyes widened. I was being suspended in mid-air! I was frozen in the air just above the rest of the staircase. I looked behind me and realized that nobody behind me was moving. I looked out the window in front of me and saw a bird flying past the window. But it wasn't moving. It was just...frozen there. That's when I realized that I had just frozen time. 'But Logan!' You, dear reader, might be saying right now. 'You said that like it was not that big of a deal! Like it's an everyday thing for you to freeze time!' Well trust me. At the time(Ha! No pun intended!)I definitely was freaking out. I didn't know what the hell was going on but, oh boy was I thankful for it. A fall down the stairs from the height I was at would have certainly broken every bone in my body. I didn't know what to do though. 'Am I gonna be stuck like this forever?' I thought a bit panicked. Then I had an idea. I closed my eyes tight and thought the word 'back'. 'Surely,' I thought hopefully. 'If I can freeze time, I can also go back in time...right?' Sure enough when I opened my eyes I saw time going backwards. I saw the bird flying in reverse as well as the people behind me walking backwards. I was lowered three steps below before I thought 'stop'. Time stopped again. 'Hmmm...' I walked up the stairs being careful to avoid the spill. I made my way up to my locker. I walked past to people. It appears that one was chasing the other because the one who was being chased had stolen the other's lunch. I took the lunch bag from his hand and put it in the original owner's hand. I nodded, being very proud of myself. I walked into my English classroom. The teacher was writing on the board what the task for today was. I got out my binder from my bag and sat down at my desk. Feeling oh so badass at this point, I snapped my fingers. Instantly time started moving again. I heard laughing in the hallway as the student who got his lunch stolen celebrated. The teacher turned around to see me. He jumped a bit. "Jeez Logan! I didn't even see you come in!" I laughed slightly uncomfortably. "Guess I just snuck past you!" I smiled innocently. The teacher shrugged and went back to writing on the board. A feeling of excitement came upon me. "This." I whispered under my breath. "Is gonna be fun."

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