Chapter 37: Sibling moment

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Andrew: So what do you guys want to do extend the tour or not extend the tour?
Devon: Extend it, it is so much fun already just imagine ina couple months.
Brian: I'm with Devon, I think we should extend it.
Andrew: Savannah how about you?
Savannah: Umm I ... I think we should extend the tour too. I said feeling bad and feeling worse about having to tell him that later. ( him being Riker)

So after an hour of reading papers and talking about was to do we came to a agreement in which the tour would be extended.
Savannah: Got to go text my family.

        Huge Group Conversation
(Savannah's parents, and all of the lynches)
Savannah: Hey just thought I should tell you, we had a meeting this morning and we all designed a way to extend the tour. So now the tour will be 11 months and not 7. Love you all!
Savannah's Mom: Congratulations sweetheart so proud of you, Love you!
Rydel: Congrats girly, miss you already, but very happy for you.
Rocky: Shoot now I have to wait even longer for you to make me mac and cheese but happy for you.
Savannah's dad: Proud of you baby, you go rock it out and show the world what the Latimer family can do!
Riker: Congrats so happy for you Vanni! Love you so much!
Savannah: Thank you guys, love you too!
End of conversation

Andrew: So how did telling everyone about the tour go?
Savannah: Good, they all seem happy for me, they know this is my dream.
Andrew: Are you happy?
Savannah: Honestly,not really I mean I'm happy that we are on tour & I happy to dance,but I feel like when I Mess up & I know I will I will disappoint everyone.
Andrew: I can promise you no one is going to be disappointed in you. No one expects you to be perfect 100% of the time.
Savannah: Thank you I needed that.
Andrew: No problem, your like the little sister I always wanted.
Savannah: You like big brother I have always wanted. *stands up and hugs Andrew and of course he hugged back*
Andrew: Not to burst your bobble but we need to work on a lot more dances if tour is going to be that much longer.
Savannah: Can we start working on them tomorrow?
Andrew: Of course, you should get some sleep I heard you tossing and turning all night.
Savannah: You are probably right, thanks again. Going to take a nap wake me up in a hour?
Andrew: Sure. *goes to the front of the bus to let Savannah sleep*

Devon: How is she?
Brian: How she holding up?
Andrew: Its going to be hard but she didn't seem to upset.
Devon: Do you know when we are going to work on dances?
Andrew: Savannah asked if we can start tomorrow. She's not feeling it today.
Brian: Works for me.
Devon: I have nothing better to do.
Andrew: Okay perfect we shall start tomorrow.
-----------------------------------------------So the tour was extended and everyone is happy for her or are they? Savannah and Andrew having a sidling moment, will fans take it the wrong way? Read to find out. Remember to Vote and comment means a lot to me. Thanks for reading!
~Courtney Luna

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