Chapter 18 : Last night

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Laura and I are watching a movie, Romeo and Juliet the greatest movie ever! I can't believe she leaves back to LA tomorrow. All of a sudden Savannah comes into the room taking out of my thoughts.

Savannah: Can I ask you guys a question?
Laura: Of course, everything okay.
Savannah: Nothing is wrong just, okay you know how I don't believe everything the bible says. Laura and I nodded. Umm, you see last time I was their a lady talked to me and she told me about this bible study tonight.
Laura: Well that sounds amazing but, what is the question?
Savannah: Do you think Riker will be mad that I'm not going to be here tonight, because of the study and we leave in the morning.
Ross: I think my brother would understand and you guys can always do something when you get back it won't be all night.
Savannah: Okay, thank you guys. She said and hugged us.
Laura: Love ya.
Savannah: Love you too. They smiled and Savannah left the room.
Ross: I don't want you to leave. I said hugging her tightly.
Laura: Baby, you know if k could stay longer I would but I can't. Sorry! She said feeling bad.
Ross: It is okay. Love you.
Laura: *got up and looks at me in the eyes* Love you too. She smiled.
Ross: Laura, remember...
Laura: I know and I mean it. She said making us both smile.

I don't think Rydel is going to like me any time soon and I really like her. Maybe I will ask her to go to dinner with me of course I will ask the guys first and it is perfect timing the girls are out looking at the town one more time before they leave.

Ratliff: Mark?
Mark: yes?
Ratliff: How would you feel about me asking Rydel out? Right I asked Savannah walked in I guess she didn't go with them. We all look at her.
Savannah: Why do I always come in when you are talking about your love life?
She as she was going to go back to Riker bed I guess.
Ratliff: You can stay I mean you know everything already. I said and she sat down next to Riker.
Mark: Okay now, about Rydel.
Ratliff: Yes I really like her but if you don't want me to see her I totally understand.
Mark: I have known you for years you are a guy that I would want Rydel with but Savannah?
Savannah: ya?
Mark: Does Rydel talk about Ratliff?
Savannah: I really don't think Rydel would like if I told you guys what we talk about.
Mark: Please I want my little girl happy.
Savannah: Okay umm, by the way she talks about Ratliff I would think she would be happy to know you like her.
Ratliff: So your saying she likes me back?
Savannah: I never said that just that she would be happy.
Mark: Okay thanks Vanni. She nodded as a welcome. If Rydel is happy I'm happy but if you hurt her I hurt you.
Ratliff: Thank you and I would never do anything to hurt her.
Of course that is when Laura and Rydel walked in.
Rydel: Hurt who?
Ratliff: No one.
Rydel: Okay then. She said and kissed her brothers and dad's cheeks then walking to bunk. While Ross and Laura follow her I guess to talk to her.

Later that night
(The church is the picture in the beginning of the chapter)

I am getting ready for bible study and talking Riker.

Savannah: Are you sure your okay with me going on our last night?
Riker: Yes I am glad you are thinking about God.
Savannah: Me too. I should be back in a hour or two.
Riker: okay love you.
Savannah: Love you too.

At church
Pastor: Okay, tonight we are going to be in John. Talking about how Jesus died for our sins and rose again the third day. *Reads a couple verse at a time and right before they start to clean up* Would anyone like to add something or ask a question?
Savannah: *I put my hand up to say something and he calls on me.* How can you read all of this and teach of this when none of us were there to see it happen.
Pastor: Good question. People years and years ago saw Jesus die for us and rise again. They wrote in down for me and you so we can learn and be saved. How can I don't believe it.
Savannah: Thank you.
Pastor: Thank you.

At the bus
Riker: So how did it go?
Savannah: How do you talk to God?
Riker: Umm, do you want to talk to God with me?
Savannah: Please.
Riker: Okay come here.
Riker: Dear God, please help all of us my family and my friends to beleve and have a strong faith in you. Thank you for putting the people that are in my life in my life. Amen.
Savannah: If is that easy. She said with a smile.
Riker: Ya, so what happened at church.
Savannah: *she sat up a little* I gave my life to God. I am sure I will mess up a little but I needed to put my life in someone hands and if he can make the world and is. I think he will be good in my life. She smiled and we hugged and just talked at God all night. We said Goodnight and goodbye because when we all wake up they will be on there flight back to LA. We cuddled all night.
Sorry it took me a week to update. Thank you for reading. Please vote and comment!

Love at first sight Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon