Chapter 46 : Competition

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Today is the day I'm going head to head against this girl named Sarah. To see if I get to keep my job. I'm really worried she is really good. Right now we are just getting ready it doesn't start for an hour or so. I'm super worried but I'm sure I will do just fine.

Sarah: Who do you thing you are?
Savannah: Umm... Savannah.
Sarah: No.
Savannah: No I'm pretty sure, I'm Savannah.
Sarah: You think you can just show up and get this job. I'm getting this job today.
Savannah: Well I must say you are an amazing dancer but I wouldn't say I'm terrible.
Sarah: First I like Riker and he chooses you. Secondly you got Andrew, Brian, and Devon to be your friend. Then you get my job that I have wanted since for forever. I'm getting this job.
Savannah: I'm sorry you feel that way but this job means a lot to me and for the other things why can we all just be friends.
Sarah: I'm not being friends with you. See you later when I win.

The competition
Lily: Okay today we have Savannah and Sarah competing for the job as a choreographer plus a dance teacher. Savannah has been working here for a year now. She was named Top 12 senior female best dancer of 2014 dance awards in Las Vegas. In 2015, she appeared as a dancer in Shia LaBeouf's music video "Actual Cannibal" and many others. Sarah has been working here for 13 years and has also been in many music videos. Now on to the fun part. Dancing!

*Savannah and Sarah danced to multiple song on tell one of them couldn't think of what was the next step making it up as they go which Savannah won. Which means that Sarah had to win the next one to move on or Savannah got the job. This went on for a while. Both of them not giving up with out a fight that is for sure.*
Lily: Okay everyone we are going to take a 30 minute intermission. To give there girls a chance to breath.

Back stage
(with Savannah and her family plus the Lynches)
Savannah's Mom: I'm so proud of you sweetheart.
Savannah: Thanks Mom.
Stormie: Hey Savannah what do you guys have to do next?
Savannah: See who can do the most turns, then she who is more flexible.
Rocky: Are you flexible?
Savannah: Yes but I suck at turns.
Savannah's dad: I thought you can do like your turns fast.
Savannah: I can but they are timing us to see who is doing them the longest and to see who is doing them faster. So I have a 50-50 changes.
Riker: You will do great. *hugges her and whispers in her ear* Love you no matter what.

Back to the competition
*Okay so Sarah won time on her turns but Savannah won time so they decided to call that one square and not count it. Then came flexibility. They had to start on one side of the stage and make it to the other side. Three times doing a one-handed cartwheel, 6 front flips, into a summer salt, then a backflip into a round off. Do this made them get to the other side. So they had to do this many times. Savannah ended up Winning.*

Lily: Okay we added up the points and the winner is . . .

-------------------------------------------------------Continue reading to find out who won. Thanks for reading. Vote and comment!
Ps: The awards that I said Savannah won in the beginning of this chapter were 100% real awards she has won. Anyways tell next time💛
~ Courtney Luna

Love at first sight जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें